22 Street Lane Nursery - March 2018 Newsletter
March Newsletter
Easter Egg Donations; We are proud to say that for the second year running, 22 Street Lane Nursery will be supporting the Clarendon Wing at Leeds General Infirmary. The Nursery ‘Eggstravaganza’, please support us and donate as many eggs as we can for the poorly children on the ward. We would be most grateful for any donations and we aim to deliver the eggs on Thursday 29 th March. We will be discussing with the children the importance of giving to others.
Easter Bonnet Competition; - Wednesday 28 th March
We will be holding our Easter Bonnet competition on Wednesday 28th March. All children are invited to create their own Easter Bonnet, the Easter Bunny will be judging our competition and may have a treat for the winner of each room. Please note that this is for a little fun and all bonnets will be celebrated. We will also be holding Easter activities and egg hunts W/C 26th March.
Summer Menu Research; With the warmer months ahead, we will be introducing our spring/summer menu. As always, we would appreciate any feedback from our winter menu and anything in particular that you would like to see on our summer menu. You can email your feedback to; info@22streetlanenursery.co.uk . Alternatively, you can use Tapestry to post your comments, we thank you for your support.
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