22 Street Lane Nursery - May 2018 Newsletter
May Newsletter
Happy Chicks and new guests at the Nursery The children were so excited when we received a delivery of eggs from the Happy Chick Company. The children waited in anticipation until finally 8 eggs hatched! The children have been so caring and helpful giving the chicks fresh water and food everyday and ensuring that that they have nice clean bedding to sleep in. The Swans children made a large ‘pen’ using wooden blocks so that the chicks could move around on our carpet! We also picked them up very gently and gave them lots of cuddles.
Farmer Alastair and his little lambs visit 22 Street Lane We would like to say a big thank you to our local Farmer, Mr Alastair Trickett for bringing his four lambs in for the children to tie in with our ‘Life Cycles’ topic. The children were lucky enough to visit the lambs in their pen and feed them. After the visit, the children looked at the life cycle of a lamb to a sheep and made a small world using different materials to develop their knowledge and understanding of the world.
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