22 Street Lane Nursery - November 2018 Newsletter

November Newsletter

Ducklings; The Ducklings have had a very fun and very busy October exploring Autumn and Halloween. The children have also shown a lot of interest in looking at books and listening to stories. ‘We’re going on a Bear Hunt’ is still the number one favourite with the children joining in the actions and filling in the missing gaps of the story. We have spent lots of time outdoors including trips to the park and in the garden exploring all things autumn. We have explored lots of natural resources and used these to mark make such as leaf printing, conker rolling and pine cone painting with autumn colours. The Ducklings have also shown an interest in transport, particularly buses! We have been learning the song the ‘Wheels on the Bus’ and we are planning a 22SLN Bus trip! More information to follow. Parents Evening: The Ducklings parents evening will be held on Thursday 29th November 6.15 – 7.30pm. This will give you an opportunity to speak to your child’s Key Person and discuss how they have settled into nursery. Please book an appointment with your child’s Key Person.


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