22 Street Lane Nursery - October 2018 Newsletter
October Newsletter
Dear Parents and Carers, We’re delighted to be able to provide another month of celebrations and fun packed activities for all to enjoy! Autumn has most definitely arrived at 22SLN; the children have been exploring many autumn treasures such as leaves, pine cones, sticks, twigs and conkers. We have loved exploring the woods in Roundhay park and learning about the season through scarecrows, animals, nature and colours; If you haven’t done so already, please take an ‘Autumn’ home learning bag from our reception area. This month we will be celebrating Halloween with many fun and exciting activities planned, including a Halloween Party; children are invited to come dressed in their favourite costume on Wednesday 31st October. We engaged in many wonderful activities in our setting last month which we hope you enjoy reading all about in our newsletter.
October Newsletter
Country of the Month; GERMANY
This month we will be celebrating Germany as our country of the month, if any parents have any resources we could borrow we would be most grateful.
Thank you to those who took the time to vote for September’s ‘Employee of the Month’, we had lots of support and want to thank the winners for their continued hard work and professionalism, we thank you for your vote; please do keep voting. Staff News; September’s Employee of the Month goes to…
Congratulations to this month’s winners;
Jahleea Gottshalk
Hayley Fryer
Paige Yates
We really do value your opinion and need your continued help to recognise the amazing work that our staff undertake each day. If you would like to nominate a member of staff for Employee of the Month.
please click on the link below and help pick next month’s winner; www.22streetlanenursery.co.uk/employee-of-the-month-vote/
STAFF NEWS; October Newsletter
Goodbye to Ariana Barillari Ariana will be leaving us on Thursday 11th October. She has worked hard in the Cygnets room developing it to where it is now. From all the children and staff, “Good luck”.
Head of Preschool; Shoshanna Hall We would like to introduce you to Shoshanna Hall who will be joining us as our new Head of Preschool. Shoshanna is a Qualified Primary School Teacher and has currently been teaching a 60 place setting. “Hello, my name is Shoshanna and I am very excited to be joining the team as Head of Preschool at 22 Street Lane. I have been working with children for over 5 years in a range of settings with children of different age groups and with a number of additional needs. I hold a BA (Hons) in Primary Education Early Years.
I believe in ensuring that every child’s needs are met, and that learning is always inspired by children’s interests; full of excitement and new opportunities. This is crucial to ensure that each and every child grows to their full potential and is school ready. I am a passionate and motivated individual and I love what I do. I am so excited to be joining 22 Street Lane and look forward to meeting you all!”
Congratulations to Holly Craven Congratulations to Holly and Thomas on their engagement! Thomas surprised Holly whist enjoying a cocktail in the Sky lounge. Hats at the ready!
NEWS; October Newsletter
Halloween Party / Dress up day; Wednesday 31 st October Children are welcome to dress up on: Wednesday 31st October for our Halloween Party Day. There will be lots of Halloween messy activities for the children to take part in and Chris will be making a spooky lunch! Please note that children can dress up anything they choose, it doesn’t have to be scary.
Grandparents’ Tea Party Just a reminder that our Grandparents’ Tea Parties are on the following dates:
Monday 8 th October: Chicklets Tuesday 9 th October: Ducklings Wednesday 10 th October: Goslings Thursday 11 th October: Cygnets Friday 12 th October: Swans
If you would like your child’s grandparents to attend the tea party please RSVP to Alex at alexandra@22streetlanenursery.co.uk
NEWS; October Newsletter
People Who Help us: The Swans children are learning about ‘People who Help Us’ such as Doctors, Nurses, Firefighters, Policemen and Dentists. We are looking for parents to come in and speak to the children about their profession. If anyone is willing / interested in doing this, please speak to Alex.
Nursery Closure: Please note that the nursery will be closed on; Wednesday 24th October for our Team Training Day. Thank you for your support.
Getting Ready for Winter! In readiness for Winter we have added a new portico area so parent’s can be warm and dry whilst collecting or dropping of children. Thank you Alufast who did the fittings.
Outdoor Clothing: Autumn is here and we couldn’t be more excited! We have been going on lots of walks to Roundhay Park to look at the lovely orange leaves. With this in mind, we need the children to be warmly wrapped up. Please can you ensure that your child has appropriate outdoor clothing including a waterproof coat, wellies, hat, scarf and gloves.
We would like to thank those who attended our Macmillan coffee morning, we hope that you enjoyed it. Thank you for all the donations and the lovely cakes which were baked. Thank you for your support. An extra special thanks to our Head Chef Chris and Salina Parmar (Dylan’s mummy) for baking delicious cakes. We raised a total of £177.57
October Newsletter
Chicklets; This month in Chicklets we have been enjoying getting to know each of the new babies and introducing them to different messy play activities such as flour, sand, gloop, cloud dough, shredded paper and play dough! In addition to this the babies have also enjoyed apple printing with paint for Rosh Hashanah. Towards the end of the month we began to explore Autumn by taking some of the babies to Roundhay Park. Whilst there we collected different 'Autumn treasures' such as leaves, sticks and conkers. Once we were back at nursery we used the leaves and sticks alongside paint to create some beautiful Autumn pictures. We then used the conkers to make some sensory bottles for the babies to shake up and down. In addition to making some lovely pictures we placed the leaves in a tuff tray for the children to explore. We also added some sticks to the sand so that the babies could explore with mark making.
October Newsletter
Ducklings; It has been a very busy, fun filled month in the Ducklings room! The children have enjoyed celebrating the Jewish New Year, ‘Rosh Hashana’ by tasting apple and honey... which went down a treat! We also had a great time apple bobbing outside. We have welcomed Autumn with open arms in the Ducklings room and have been exploring the new season. We went for a walk to Roundhay park and collected sticks, pine cones, conkers and multicoloured leaves! The Ducklings have explored lots of mark making this month, they have enjoyed mark making with the chalk boards, flour, paint brushes and water. We had a lovely time feeding the chickens in the big garden and we will be visiting them regularly.
October Newsletter
Goslings It's been a wonderful month in the Goslings room, the children have transitioned extremely well from the Ducklings to the Goslings and have particularly enjoyed the outdoor area. The Goslings have enjoyed investigating the leaves and exploring the different textures and sounds that they can make when scrunching them. We have taken inspiration from the natural outdoor environment and have brought this indoors for the children to explore.
October Newsletter
Cygnets; Our new children have settled in well to the Cygnets room, it has been lovely to see the older children helping the younger ones. The children are beginning to understand their new routine and become familiar with their new environment. We have welcomed Autumn with a nature walk in Roundhay Park, where we collected leaves, sticks and bark to place in our sensorial area. We have been using leaves to decorate hedgehogs, squirrels and leaves, please look at our lovely decorations in the classroom. Number songs have been popular this month, we have been singing 'Three currant buns', 'Three cheeky monkeys' and 'Five green bottles'. The children have been encouraged to count using 1:1 correspondence as well as estimating quantities. Our favourite story this month has been 'Stick Man'. The children have been collecting sticks and making their own stick men! We also used sticks to make hedgehogs using brown Playdough and wobbly eyes! We have also been making scented Playdough using spices such as cinnamon.
October Newsletter
Swans; This month the Swans have been taking part in ‘All About Me’ activities to support their transitions into the preschool room. We have been spending lots of time making self-portraits, learning about each other’s families and playing circle games to get to know one another. The Swans children have also been learning about Colombia in celebration of our country of the month. Activities included making our own rainforests and Colombian animals using heuristic materials, exploring world maps and learning some Colombian songs and dances with the help of one of our lovely parents Monica (and Maxi of course!)
Autumn Explore
October Newsletter
Recipe of the Month
Ingredients; • 2 tbsp olive oil • 2 red onions, diced • 3 garlic cloves, finely chopped • 1 tsp ground coriander • ½ tsp ground cumin • pinch ground turmeric • 1 bunch fresh coriander and the stalks, finely shredded • 2 x 400g/14oz tins cooked chickpeas, drained • 1 lemon, juice only • 250g/9oz ground polenta • 2 tbsp sunflower oil • Salt and freshly ground black pepper
Chickpea and Vegetable Burgers
1. Heat the olive oil in a pan and fry the onion and garlic for ten minutes until soft. Add the spices and coriander and cook for another minute. Remove from the heat. 2. Pulse the chickpeas in a blender with the onion spice mix. Taste, season with salt and pepper, and add a squeeze of lemon juice. Form the mixture into stiff patties and set aside in the fridge until you are ready to cook. 3. When ready to cook the burgers, sprinkle the polenta onto a plate and press the burgers onto the polenta. Heat the sunflower oil in a pan and fry the burgers on both sides until cooked through. (Alternatively, you can bake these on an oiled tray for 15-20 minutes at 200C/180C Fan/Gas 6.) 4. Serve the burgers in the buns with a side salad.
October Newsletter
*ATTENTION* Important Information - Please Read
Nappy Cream; Please note that all Nappy cream (prescribed or no prescribed must be signed in to your child’s Key Person who will sign this in on a ‘Nappy Cream Administration form’. Practitioners will record each time cream is applied and parents must sign at the end of each day. Car Park; As you aware, there are double yellow lines outside the nursery which have been put there for the safety of the children. Please can we ask parents not to park on them. Please could parents also be mindful that they are not parking over more than one space in the car park, as you can appreciate we have very limited parking and the car park can become very busy. High Temperatures & Fevers; Please can we remind parents that children can not attend nursery if they have a high temperature (over 38 degrees). If a child develops a temperature, then the parents will be called to collect the child which is supported by our policies and procedures. We can administer non – prescribed Calpol for a temperature however we must have written permission. HMRC Additional Funding Code; (3 & 4 year old - 30 hours) If you eligible and in receipt of additional 3 & 4-year-old funding. Look out for your prompt every three months from HMRC to reconfirm your details so that your eligibility can be re-assessed. Please note if you do not do this, we are unable to claim the funding on your behalf. Glass Door; For safety of the building, please can you ensure that when you are entering and leaving the building that you close the glass door behind you. Thank you. Calpol; Calpol must be prescribed unless we administer
October Newsletter ~ Housekeeping
Absence; P lease note that we are unable to swap days or offer an alternative day if your child is absent from nursery. We are now extremely busy and it is impossible for us to do this for all children. This is stated in our terms and conditions. Thank you for your cooperation. Parents Suggestions; We continue to welcome all feedback from parents, if you would like to make a suggestion then please post this in our ‘Parents Suggestion Box’ which is based on reception. Alternatively, you can speak to a member of staff. Drop Off and Collection; Can we kindly remind you that we open at 7.30 a.m. and cannot accept children into the nursery before this time. We close at 6.00 p.m. and any parents that pick up after this time will be charged. Thank you for your cooperation. Labels in Clothing; To avoid items being lost, please can you ensure that your child’s uniform is clearly labelled including their coats, hats, scarves and wellies. If you’re child brings gloves to nursery we strongly advise for these to be attached and threaded through their coat to avoid any gloves going missing . Contacting the Nursery; Please can we kindly ask parents to try and only call the nursery rooms if necessary. It can be very difficult for the staff to keep on coming to the phones when they are trying to look after the children and taking their lunch breaks. Please note if we have every have a concern we would always call so please be assured that they are having a good day unless we call you. Thank you for your understanding. Wipes; Please note that although we provide nappies as part of our offering, wipes are not included in this. It has been noted that lots of children are coming to nursery without nappy wipes. Can we kindly remind parents to ensure that there is always a supply available for your child? Your child’s key person will remind you when they are running low. Moving forwards, we will be charging £15.00 per month to any parents that fails to bring wipes.
October Newsletter
Upcoming Events
Grandparent’s Tea Party Chicklets: Monday 8 th October, 3-4pm Ducklings: Tuesday 9 th October, 3-4pm Goslings: Wednesday 10 th October, 3-4pm Cygnets: Thursday 11 th October, 3-4pm Swans: Friday 12 th October, 3-4pm Wednesday 24 th October Nursery Closed - Team Training Day Wednesday 31 st October Halloween Party/ Dress up day
CONTACT: 03330 43 22 22 info@22streetlanenursery.co.uk 22 Street Lane, Roundhay, Leeds, LS8 2ET
ONLINE: www.22streetlanenursery.co.uk
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