22 Street Lane Nursery - October 2018 Newsletter
October Newsletter
Cygnets; Our new children have settled in well to the Cygnets room, it has been lovely to see the older children helping the younger ones. The children are beginning to understand their new routine and become familiar with their new environment. We have welcomed Autumn with a nature walk in Roundhay Park, where we collected leaves, sticks and bark to place in our sensorial area. We have been using leaves to decorate hedgehogs, squirrels and leaves, please look at our lovely decorations in the classroom. Number songs have been popular this month, we have been singing 'Three currant buns', 'Three cheeky monkeys' and 'Five green bottles'. The children have been encouraged to count using 1:1 correspondence as well as estimating quantities. Our favourite story this month has been 'Stick Man'. The children have been collecting sticks and making their own stick men! We also used sticks to make hedgehogs using brown Playdough and wobbly eyes! We have also been making scented Playdough using spices such as cinnamon.
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