22 Street Lane Nursery - October 2018 Newsletter
NEWS; October Newsletter
People Who Help us: The Swans children are learning about ‘People who Help Us’ such as Doctors, Nurses, Firefighters, Policemen and Dentists. We are looking for parents to come in and speak to the children about their profession. If anyone is willing / interested in doing this, please speak to Alex.
Nursery Closure: Please note that the nursery will be closed on; Wednesday 24th October for our Team Training Day. Thank you for your support.
Getting Ready for Winter! In readiness for Winter we have added a new portico area so parent’s can be warm and dry whilst collecting or dropping of children. Thank you Alufast who did the fittings.
Outdoor Clothing: Autumn is here and we couldn’t be more excited! We have been going on lots of walks to Roundhay Park to look at the lovely orange leaves. With this in mind, we need the children to be warmly wrapped up. Please can you ensure that your child has appropriate outdoor clothing including a waterproof coat, wellies, hat, scarf and gloves.
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