22 Street Lane Nursery - April 2022 Newsletter

April Newsletter Cygnets Room News

The Cygnets have had great fun during March, taking part in lots of exciting activities. To start with, we focused on activities based around the children’s treasured books to celebrate World Book Day, such as a current favourite ‘Kitchen Disco’. The Cygnets loved creating pictures of their favourite fruit using lots of different materials from the creative area such as paint and tissue paper. The Cygnets have loved going on the bus to the library along with the Swans. When getting to the library, the Cygnets picked a book they would like to take back to the nursery to share with their friends. We have also enjoyed reading these in groups at storytime. The Artist of the Month in March has been Van Gough. The Cygnets have taken part in lots of activities around the famous paintings. As a group, we have created a beautiful display of sunflowers to represent one of his pieces. As the weather has been lovely, the Cygnets have been spending lots of time outside. While outside the Cygnets have shown a great interest in planting. They have helped to plant some beautiful flowers, as well as taking great care of our other flowers and vegetables. To celebrate Mother’s Day, the Cygnets were busy making cards and a yummy treat for their mummies. Everyone took turns to roll the dough out before using the cutter to make a lovely heart shape biscuit.


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