22 Street Lane Nursery - April 2023 Newsletter
April Newsletter NEWS
St. Patrick's Day Celebrations In support of St. Patrick's Day, we created colourful rainbows, shamrocks and the Irish flag. We also celebrated Ireland as our Country of the Month, explored St. Patrick's Day-themed messy play and enjoyed a lunch of Irish Stew.
Comic Relief Fundraiser Thank you to everyone who donated to Comic Relief fundraiser last month. We held a fun day for the children where they dressed in clothes which were ‘back to front’ and we raised a total of £81.11!
Celebrating Passover Passover is a Jewish festival lasting eight days, which links to the biblical story of the Jewish people escaping from slavery in Egypt. During Passover, families will hold a ‘seder’ night on the first and sometimes second night of Passover. A seder night is a religious service set around a dinner table, where everyone will eat, pray, sing, and read stories from a prayer book called a ‘Haggadah’. A number of traditional foods are also eaten during the festival, including Matzah (which is a type of unleavened bread/cracker), gefilte fish and chicken soup. The children will be learning all about Passover and will have the chance to make their own Matzah crackers, listen to some Israeli music, and design their very own seder plate using a range of resources. We will also be trying some traditional foods too.
A message from the Child Accident Prevention Trust As Easter approaches, many families will be buying different treats and gifts for their children, but we need to remember to be cautious about the different kinds of mini eggs on offer. They look like the perfect small treat for your little one, but their size means they can block a small child’s airway and cause them to choke. Please stay safe and choose another, larger treat that's safer for your little one.
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