22 Street Lane Nursery - August 2024 Newsletter

August Newsletter

Ducklings Room News

As always we have enjoyed our baking sessions, but this month we had a special teacher - our chef ‘Oli’. We made delicious vegan flapjack, and the Ducklings enjoyed showing Oli their cooking skills and how they all use their fine motor skills to mix all the ingredients together. We also discussed what ingredients we used, and helped Oli spoon the mixture into the baking tin. The Ducklings have also loved our new addition to the nursery, a piano. The Ducklings were so patient and waited for their turn on the piano with their friends, they enjoyed pressing the different keys and seeing what sounds they made. We played the piano and sang some of our favourite nursery rhymes, which was so much fun! This month we also had a special trip to Tropical World. We stopped for a quick look around the flower gardens for some snack first, before heading to see lots of different animals. Our favourite was the meerkats as they ran super-fast and played peek-a-boo too. We also loved looking at all the different fish and monkeys and practising our best animal noises. The Ducklings loved getting up close to the different enclosures to see the different animals. Some of the Ducklings have been on some lovely beach holidays throughout July, so following on from this we set up a beach tuff tray for them to explore. All the Ducklings enjoyed feeling the water and sand between their toes, and are looking forward to more sensory activities next month!


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