22 Street Lane Nursery - December 2019 Newsletter
December Newsletter
Goslings Room News
This month in the Goslings we have been very busy celebrating a variety of events from Bonfire Night to Nursery Rhyme Week and Thanksgiving! We started off the month by celebrating bonfire night, to celebrate this, the Goslings made their very own fireworks using recyclable materials and paint. The Goslings then pretended to be fireworks themselves by crouching down to the ground, then jumping up shouting “BANG!”. The following week came Remembrance Day, when the Goslings created their own poppies by doing handprints and painting wooden sticks. The children really enjoyed using their hands to make beautiful pictures, so we continued this in Nursery Rhyme Week where the children created some incy wincy spiders! During Nursery Rhyme Week the Goslings loved singing both new and traditional nursery rhymes. We then extended this into the children’s play and set out different activities that link to the rhymes. This included incy wincy spider rice messy play, incy wincy play dough, ‘I’m a Little Teapot’ big and small colouring, gluing and sticking feathers to our ‘five little ducks’ and ‘Old McDonald Had a Farm ’ animal dress up. The Goslings have also had lots of fun celebrating our country of the month ‘America’, to do this we explored a different state each day. This included New York where we built our own tall buildings and created our own statue of liberty crowns by gluing and sticking with paper plates and painting it green! The children also explored the different animals in New York’s zoo. Another state celebrated was California where we pretended that we currently had hot weather and made our very own indoor beach!
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