22 Street Lane Nursery - December 2019 Newsletter
December Newsletter NEWS Nursery Rhyme Week 2019
We were very excited to participate in World Nursery Rhyme Week, which promotes the importance of nursery rhymes in early childhood development and education. Nursery rhymes help to develop literacy, numeracy and social, physical and emotional skills – they’re so much fun to sing and dance to! We had lots of fun through the week, and our wonderful practitioners set up some really exciting activities which were all themed around some of our favourite nursery rhymes. We baked some ‘Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star’ shaped flapjacks, using our maths skills to measure out the ingredients! Then we enjoyed some ‘Incy, Wincy Spider’ themed activities, taking the children stage by stage through the rhyme – including playing in the blue gloopy ‘rain’ and painting their own spiders.
‘Children In Need’ Day 2019 Children and Staff were invited to come into nursery on Friday 15th November for our Crazy Hair Day to help fundraise for Children in Need, the BBC’s UK Corporate Charity which focus on children and young people who are disadvantaged, providing grants to projects supporting them. Everyone had a fantastic fun-filled day supporting Children In Need and we raised a total of £229.23! Thank for your support and generosity!
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