22 Street Lane Nursery - December 2022 Newsletter
Newsletter December
Play • Discovery • Growth
December Newsletter
Dear Parents and Carers, It’s the most wonderful time of the year here at 22 Street Lane Nursery, the tree is about to go up, we are writing our letters to Santa and making our Christmas crafts. All we need to do now is wait patiently for the big man’s arrival! We have a very magical month planned for the children: we will be visiting various countries around the world to see how they celebrate Christmas and explore the real meaning of Christmas. We have lots of festive days to look forward to including our Christmas Jumper Day, our yummy Christmas Dinner and our festive Christmas Party! We also have some special visitors that will be stopping by the nursery to see the children, I wonder who they can be? Please note that the nursery will close on Friday 23rd December, and we look forward to welcoming the children back on Tuesday 3rd January. We hope that you all have a very merry Christmas and a healthy and prosperous new year! To find out more, please read on…
December Newsletter STAFF NEWS
Welcome to Laura Clark - Apprentice Practitioner We would like to welcome Laura to our Swans team. Laura will be working towards her Level 3 qualification and is really looking forward to getting to know you and your little ones. “I am a passionate hardworking bubbly person, who has always had some sort of involvement with young children. I am excited to build a future at 22 Street Lane Nursery and see the children reach their milestones”
Staff Promotion - Congratulations Eden! Congratulations to Eden on her promotion to Deputy Room Leader! Eden is a great asset to the Goslings Room and is looking forward to working closely with Madina to lead the room.
Wishing Shamyla luck on her maternity leave! Shamyla will be leaving us to start her maternity leave on Thursday 15th December. We can’t wait to hear Shamyla’s news and wish her the best of luck in her new role as a mummy!
Goodbye Hannah Sadly, Hannah will be leaving the nursery when we close for Christmas on Friday 23rd December. Hannah is leaving to travel to Thailand, and she'll be missed by everyone at the nursery. We wish her the best of luck for the future!
December Newsletter NEWS
Country of the Month, December: Iceland Throughout December, we will be celebrating the country of Iceland. The children will be exploring some of the famous landmarks in the country, including the Blue Lagoon and the golden circle. We will also be learning about the famous Northern Lights! The children will be continuing to explore animals that live in cold conditions such as Puffins, white beaked dolphins, Grey Seals, European Rabbits, Humpback whales, Artic Fox and the Icelandic dog. We will be exploring ice and freezing objects then thinking of ways to melt the ice and get them out.
Children in Need 2022 Thank you to everyone who donated to support Children in Need, we raised a total of £103.30!
Notice - Glass Door Please could we remind parents to close the glass door behind them for the safety of the children. Please can you make sure that you do not let anyone in behind you. Thank you for your support.
December Newsletter NEWS
A Special Visit From Santa’s Reindeers On Wednesday 21st December, we have some very special visitors coming to 22 Street Lane, Santa’s Reindeers! If your child does not attend on this day and you would like to come along to see the reindeers, we have the following time
slots available. Please email Shosh at shoshanna@22streetlanenursery.co.uk Chicklets/Ducklings: 10:00-10.30am
Goslings: 10.30-11.00am Cygnets: 11.00-11.30am Swans: 11.30-12:00pm
Jolabokaflod Celebrations: Friday 23rd December On Friday 23rd December, we will be celebrating Jolabokaflod, which is an Icelandic tradition to promote a love for reading. We are inviting all of the children to come to Nursery on Friday 23rd December in their pyjamas and bring their favourite book with them; it could be a classic fairy-tale
or even a festive story. The children will then read one
another’s stories, and enjoy some warm cocoa as a very special treat!
December Newsletter
Dish of the Month
Cranberry, Apricot and Oat Flapjack
• Oil, for greasing • 100g butter cubed • 100g golden Syrup • 50g mixed seeds , such as pumpkin, sunflower, linseed and sesame • 50g dried cranberries • 50g raisins • 50g dried apricots, cut into sixths • 250g jumbo porridge oats • 1 large free-range egg, beaten See our past selections on: 22streetlanenursery.co.uk/dish-of-the-month/ Ingredients
1. Preheat the oven to 200C/180C Fan/Gas 6. Lightly oil a shallow 20cm/8in loose-based square cake tin and line the base and sides of the tin with baking parchment. 2. Melt the butter and syrup together in a large saucepan over a low heat, stirring regularly with a wooden spoon. Take off the heat and stir in the seeds, cranberries, raisins and apricots and oats. Stir in the egg. 3. Spoon into the prepared tin and press until well flattened. Bake for 18-20 minutes, or until golden and lightly browned around the edges. 4. Mark the flapjack into 12 pieces without cutting all the way through, this will make it easier to cut the flapjack when it's cool. Leave until cold then cut the flapjack with a sharp knife. 5. Store in an airtight container, interleaved with baking parchment or foil for up to three days.
December Newsletter
Christmas Jumper Day: Friday 9 th December This festive season we are spreading the Christmas cheer with our annual Christmas Jumper Day. The children are invited to wear their best festive frocks, joyful jumpers and other seasonal styles on Friday 9th December, the more festive the better!
Christmas Party Day: Tuesday 20th December On Tuesday 20th December we will be holding our annual 22SLN Christmas party! The children are welcome to come to nursery in their party clothes.
Christmas Nursery Closure The nursery will close for Christmas on Friday 23rd December at 6pm. We will be welcoming all our families back to the nursery on Tuesday 3rd January 2023.
December Newsletter Christmas Gift Collection: Tuesday 13 th December Donated items are distributed to children aged 0-18, so most gifts are welcome (No guns or plastic weapons). Please ensure that donated presents are not wrapped as it's important that Social Services can see the items in order to allocate them to the appropriate children according to their interests and age range. We've already started collecting donations, but we will continue to accept new items up until Tuesday 13th December, as everything will be collected on Wednesday 14th December so there's enough time for the gifts to be distributed to the children in time for Christmas!
December Newsletter Swans Christmas Nativity: Tuesday 13 th December
The Swans are going to be performing a very exciting rendition of the Nativity this year on Tuesday 13th December at 10am at St Andrew’s Church, Roundhay, LS8 1DS. If your child DOES NOT attend nursery on a Tuesday, then we kindly ask you to meet us at St Andrew’s Church at 9.45am for a 10am start. Children who DO attend nursery on a Tuesday will be accompanied to and from the church by staff members. Please could we ask that you drop your child off at nursery by 9.00am latest on this day. Also, please let us know if your child is unable to attend on this date so we can plan alternative parts for our Nativity show.
December Newsletter Chicklets Room News
The Chicklets have been super busy this month welcoming new friends and helping them settle into the Chicklets Room! The Chicklets have loved the Shake, Rattle and Boogie sessions and have started to copy lots of new actions. Kimberly and Boogie Bear are very impressed with the Chicklets dancing and their help in tidying away! To help celebrate World Kindness Day, the Chicklets followed their interest in books and started up their very own lending library, where they enjoyed a bedtime story from their friends. Thank you to everyone who brought in a book and those who posted pictures of your bedtime story; we loved sharing these at nursery! Some of the parents even sent in lovely messages to thank their friends: “Thank you Evander. We loved The Lion Inside”- Isla D “Evan enjoying his new book before bedtime and saying huge thanks to Felix for sharing it with him.”- Evan “Zaine enjoyed reading his friend's book”- Zaine “Josie enjoyed exploring her book from her friend!”- Josie “Henry really enjoyed reading his book before bedtime!”- Henry Unfortunately, the time has come to say goodbye to Shamyla as she will be leaving us on December 15th to start her journey with her own little one. We wish her all the luck and health for her little family and hope she enjoys her Maternity Leave. All the Chicklets will miss her dearly and can’t wait to meet the new baby.
December Newsletter
Ducklings Room News
This month the children have enjoyed participating in lots of activities linked to Thailand, our Country of the Month. The Ducklings had lots of fun exploring the culture and the country through different tuff trays, as well as exploring the colours of the flag and making our own large-scale Thailand flag! The Ducklings also celebrated 'Bonfire Night’ by creating our own firework pictures and exploring a bonfire tuff tray with lots of pinecones, sticks and leaves. We also had lots of fun pretending to be fireworks and the children did so well, learning to crouch down on the floor and then count together; "1, 2, 3, Jump, Bang, Pop!“ Later in the month, the children learnt all about ‘Children in Need’. The children came to nursery in their pyjamas and we helped Pudsey Bear find his spots, which were hidden in the pasta! We then helped Pudsey put his spots on his bandage. The children have been continuing to look forward to our 'weekly sensory sessions’. We are all loving the new space projector light, and particularly enjoy spotting the different colours and exploring the other light toys too. Linked to the children's huge sensory interest, some of the Ducklings have also enjoyed completing a recent home learning challenge by creating their own sensory bottles. It's been so lovely seeing all of your amazing creations and we will definitely use them in our upcoming sensory sessions!
December Newsletter Goslings Room News
We have enjoyed celebrating lots of different things alongside showing new interests in new areas too. In order to celebrate Bonfire Night, the Goslings have been showing their creative side by making pretty firework displays using toilet rolls with paint to make patterns. We also enjoyed making nature poppies for Remembrance Day by using cardboard, sticks and leaves from the Baby Garden, alongside decorating poppies for the reception display! Moving on, as it was World Kindness Day on the 13th November, the Goslings went around the Nursery and gave our hard working staff a love heart with a kind message inside it and a big hug to brighten their day! In order to celebrate Children in Need, we also all dressed up in our cosy and warm pyjamas. We also enjoyed a Pudsey-inspired tuff tray filled with different textures, such as cornflakes, pasta and yellow-coloured rice with lots of transporting resources for the Goslings to explore. As the month went on, the Goslings explored and looked at things of interest around the room; they have shown lots of interest in new books lately! The Goslings have been super-duper with their listening skills and have been enjoying a book or two before lunch or teatime! They also have been enjoying listening out for their name when it is time for the handwashing song. This has been a great moment for our Goslings as it shows their progress and interest in books and singing, which is also a great support for their vocabulary. In order to encourage this amazing new interest in books, we have something very special we will be beginning next month! Here’s a clue… it’s linked to a very special character from one of the Gosling’s favourite books… Keep an eye out on Tapestry for more details soon!
December Newsletter Cygnets Room News
We have had a very busy and exciting month this month in Cygnets. We have been celebrating Thailand as our Country of the Month, where the children have loved making traditional ‘long boats’ using lots of resources in the creative area. We have also been exploring beach setups in our tuff tray, which included some of the animals you could find in Thailand. This month we also celebrated World Kindness Day. We talked about what it felt like to be kind and what we could do to make the people around us happy. We decided to do some baking and made some delicious ginger biscuits. The children were amazing helpers and helped to add all the ingredients, mix them all together, roll the dough out then make them into pumpkin shapes. Once these were ready, some of the Cygnets took these biscuits over to the care home and handed them out to all the residents. This made all the residents very happy and we will definitely be doing back for another visit soon! The Cygnets have loved getting involved in our Rugby Tots sessions this month, where they take part in lots of fun games. They especially like running after Coach James in a game of tag rugby. We have also started playing some team games, where all the Cygnets have to work together to achieve something, such as passing the ball around the circle without dropping it. We have so much fun and always look forward to these sessions!
Swans Room News December Newsletter
We have had another busy month of learning, playing, and celebrating lots of different events. We started off the month finishing off with Halloween activities for our stay and play days. We were so happy to see so many families and enjoyed the messy activities. We had a ‘Spooky Spa’ where we could dip our feet in slime, made potions, made mummies and do lots of other spooky activities. We also used pumpkins to start practising simple woodwork skills. We used them to learn how to use screwdrivers and screws as they were a softer material for us to use. This has made us very excited to start our woodwork project. We then spoke about Bonfire Night and how to be safe. Outside we pretended to be different fireworks and enjoyed copying the loud noises. This month we have also been learning about Thailand and found it on a world map. We started by making the flag of Thailand and compared this to the England flag. We then learnt about and made our own Thai long boats which we were able to float in our water tray. We also celebrated ‘Children in Need’ by wearing our pyjamas to raise money. The children learnt about how some families need extra support and how Pudsey Bear gives us some fun ideas to help raise money. As the month has come to a close, we have begun to prepare for our Christmas Nativity. The children have made a fantastic start and we cannot wait to see the show in a few weeks’ time. The children have also begun to make their Christmas crafts. We are excited to see what the next month brings for Swans Room.
December Newsletter
Upcoming Events
Friday 9 th December Christmas Jumper Day
Tuesday 13 th December Swans Christmas Play/Concert Tuesday 20 th December 22SLN Christmas Dinner/Party Wednesday 21 st December Visit from Santa’s Reindeers Friday 23 rd December Nursery Closing for Christmas at 6pm Tuesday 3 rd January Nursery RE-OPENS for the New Year!
December Newsletter
*ATTENTION* Important Information - Please Read Car Park
As you are aware, there are double yellow lines outside the nursery which have been put there for the safety of the children. Please can we ask that parents do not park on them, and also be mindful when parking on Park Lane that you do not park over the driveways of the residents there. Many of them are Key Workers who need immediate access from their homes when called out. There have been a few vehicles obstructing their driveways recently. COVID-19 Guidance Following on from the Government's announcement on Monday 21st February advising that self-isolation would no longer be a legal requirement for those who test positive, we have taken this opportunity to review the restrictions that we have maintained to date and would like to update you on the forthcoming changes. You can see our latest FAQs here: https://www.22streetlanenursery.co.uk/wp content/uploads/2022/02/COVID-19-FAQ-Parents-Feb-22.pdf
Drop Off and Collection Can we kindly remind you that we open at 7.30 am and close at 6.00 pm and any parents who pick up after this time will be charged.
December Newsletter
*ATTENTION* Important Information - Please Read
HMRC Additional Funding Code (3- & 4-year-olds - 30 hours)
If you are eligible and in receipt of additional 3- & 4-year-old funding, look out for a prompt every three months from HMRC to reconfirm your details so that your eligibility can be re-assessed. If you do not do this, please note that we are unable to claim the funding on your behalf. Absence Please note that we are unable to swap days or offer an alternative day if your child is absent from nursery. We are now extremely busy, and it is impossible for us to do this for all children. This is stated in our terms and conditions. Thank you for your co-operation. Labels in Clothing To avoid items being lost, please can you ensure that your child’s uniform is clearly labelled including their coats, hats, scarves and wellies. If your child brings gloves to nursery, we strongly advise for these to be attached and threaded through their coat to avoid any gloves going missing.
CONTACT US 0333 043 22 22
www.22streetlanenursery.co.uk info@22streetlanenursery.co.uk
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