22 Street Lane Nursery - December 2022 Newsletter
Swans Room News December Newsletter
We have had another busy month of learning, playing, and celebrating lots of different events. We started off the month finishing off with Halloween activities for our stay and play days. We were so happy to see so many families and enjoyed the messy activities. We had a ‘Spooky Spa’ where we could dip our feet in slime, made potions, made mummies and do lots of other spooky activities. We also used pumpkins to start practising simple woodwork skills. We used them to learn how to use screwdrivers and screws as they were a softer material for us to use. This has made us very excited to start our woodwork project. We then spoke about Bonfire Night and how to be safe. Outside we pretended to be different fireworks and enjoyed copying the loud noises. This month we have also been learning about Thailand and found it on a world map. We started by making the flag of Thailand and compared this to the England flag. We then learnt about and made our own Thai long boats which we were able to float in our water tray. We also celebrated ‘Children in Need’ by wearing our pyjamas to raise money. The children learnt about how some families need extra support and how Pudsey Bear gives us some fun ideas to help raise money. As the month has come to a close, we have begun to prepare for our Christmas Nativity. The children have made a fantastic start and we cannot wait to see the show in a few weeks’ time. The children have also begun to make their Christmas crafts. We are excited to see what the next month brings for Swans Room.
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