22 Street Lane Nursery - December 2024 Newsletter
December Newsletter
Swans Room News
We’ve had so much fun in Swans throughout November. To start the month off we celebrated Bonfire Night! The children got creative and made some beautiful fireworks pictures as well as making bonfires with natural materials. We also loved making a pretend fire in the big garden and enjoyed toasting marshmallows. We also loved celebrating Diwali. In the messy tray, the Swans created marks using all different coloured paints as well as painting the Indian flag. In the finger gym area, we had lots of fun drawing some Rangoli patterns and in the role-play area some of the children dressed up in traditional clothing. To celebrate World Kindness Day some of the children went on a walk around the local community handing out flowers to make people smile. We also made some lovely pictures for the people we love. Finally, the Swans children have been really busy practising and preparing for our Christmas Nativity. The children are so excited to show off their beautiful singing and dancing to all their families in December. We are also so excited to start celebrating the festive season of Christmas, as we have lots of exciting activities for the children to take part in!
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