22 Street Lane Nursery - December 2024 Newsletter

December Newsletter STAFF NEWS

Welcome back Alexia! We are so pleased to welcome back Alexia, who will be working in our Goslings Room as the Deputy Room Leader. Alexia was previously working as a Deputy Room Leader in Cygnets a few months ago before she decided to pursue an opportunity at another nursery. However, she realised this was where she would like to be, so she decided to come back! Alexia has worked in the setting since 2021, so is very familiar and confident with our routines, and knows many of our families already.

Country of the Month, December 2024: Christmas Around The World

Throughout November we celebrated America as our Country of the Month! The children enjoyed a traditional ‘Thanksgiving’ lunch on Thursday 28th November, including a roast dinner and some yummy pumpkin loaf. Everyone also made some wonderful Thanksgiving turkey pictures for our display in reception, and lots of the children participated in some traditional American sports games, including baseball and American football! In December, we will be exploring how different countries explore Christmas! If your family has any specific traditions at Christmas time, please do let one of the staff in your child’s room know, or feel free to share some photos on Tapestry, so we can explore this further with the children.

Polite Notice - Glass Door We would like to remind parents to close the glass door behind them for the safety of the children. Please make sure that you do not let anyone in behind you. Thank you for your support.

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