22 Street Lane Nursery - February 2019 Newsletter
February Newsletter
Ducklings The Ducklings have had a very busy month settling back into nursery after Christmas. The children have really enjoyed engaging in new activities this month, most notably we have introduced cookery classes to the children which they have really enjoyed. We loved making smoothies and discussing the healthy fruit we used. The children helped to chop bananas and put them in the blender, and then helped to pour the resulting mixture into cups and drank up their yummy, healthy smoothies! We also made some delicious protein oat balls which the children loved; we made our very own chef hats whilst we stirred the oats, honey and fruit! As always, the Ducklings are continuing to enjoy their story sessions from both old and new books, thank-you so much to all the parents who have brought in books from home for their children to share. We have had some lovely group story sessions and the children have enjoyed looking at them independently too. The Three Little Pigs have been a favourite and the children all enjoyed taking it in turns to use the stick puppets. We are going to extend this activity further by introducing sticks, straw and blocks for the children to build with. Despite the cold weather, we have wrapped up warm and enjoyed the outdoors playing on the bikes and practiced our balancing skills by balancing on beams!
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