22 Street Lane Nursery - February 2021 Newsletter

February Newsletter

Ducklings Room News

The Ducklings have celebrated Iceland for our ‘Country of the Month’, which involved in lots of messy play activities involving ice play and shaving foam. They used their fine motor skills to pick out and explore different objects, and painting a representation of the Northern Lights. The children used their senses to explore the texture of the paint and created marks with the paintbrush on the paper. They used their motor skills to move the paintbrush backwards and forwards to create shapes and designs. The Ducklings have also enjoyed baking this month. The children loved making their own mixed berry cake and they took turns to mix the ingredients together with the big spoon in the mixing bowl. The Ducklings enjoyed cracking the eggs, mixing the sugar and butter, as well as sprinkling the flour and adding yummy berries. As the Ducklings interests lately has been spotting different birds in our garden and in the sky, we decided to make our own bird feeders for the birds to enjoy using pinecones and recycled toilet paper holders. The Ducklings used their hands and fingers to scoop the bird seed and stick it to the pinecones using honey. We can’t wait to see if the birds come and enjoy our bird seed holders. The Duckling’s favourite book to read this month has been ‘Peace at Last’. We followed their interest and extended the learning by creating their own ‘Peace at Last’ cosy corner. The Ducklings enjoyed roleplaying and getting into bed like Mr. Bear and reading the story together.


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