22 Street Lane Nursery - February 2024 Newsletter

February Newsletter

Ducklings Room News

The Ducklings have had a brilliant start to the New Year! We have been celebrating Scotland as our Country of the Month. We have been exploring different tuff trays looking at the colours of the Scottish flag and even had a go at making shortbread! All the Ducklings took it in turns to mix all the ingredients and use their fine motor skills to roll the shortbread out - they were so yummy. As one of the Duckling's main interests has been cars, we then decided to set up a car wash. We explored cloths and sponges using them to clean the cars. We used our emptying and filling skills to fill the cups and wash the soapy water away, which was so much fun. The Ducklings have also had a trip out to the Library. We all got on the bus outside the nursery together. While we were on the bus, we looked out the window to see what we could see. The Ducklings spotted some cars, dogs, and trees. When we arrived at the library, we all sat and had some snacks and then we explored the Library where all the children got to pick books of their interest, there were so many to choose from. We read about animals, cars, and people this was so much fun. We can’t wait to visit the Library again soon! Following on our interest in one of our favourite books ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’ we set up a playdough session for the Ducklings to enjoy. The Ducklings used their fine motor skills to roll the playdough into tiny balls making their own caterpillar. We are looking forward to lots more fun next month!


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