22 Street Lane Nursery - January 2021 Newsletter

January Newsletter NEWS

Spreading Christmas Cheer With The Elderly The children had a great time creating festive decorations for Grove Park Care Home. The Chicklets, Ducklings, Goslings and Cygnets made sparkly snowmen pictures, baubles, and cards for them to hang on their Christmas trees and doors. The Swans children spent an afternoon making some lovely Christmas cards for the residents of Sabourn Court Care Home too. Sharing is such an important part of what our children do, and we love the fact that they can share their lovely creations with so many special people.

Christmas Around the World December has been a wonderful month filled with festive activities. It’s given the children a great opportunity to learn and experience how Christmas is celebrated in many different countries around the world. The Cygnets and Swans children learned the Spanish Christmas song ‘Feliz Navidad’, which the Swans children even sang in the Nativity performance. The Ducklings, Cygnets and Swans have also been doing some creative baking, such as making potato latkes to celebrate Hanukkah. The children have also learned about Befana, who delivers the presents in Italy, the Nativity scenes which feature prominently in Naples, and of course, the tasty pannetone! The Swans have been learning the difference between how Christmas is celebrated here and in Greece, and even learnt a Christmas song in Greek. They also made special Greek boats which feature prominently in their Christmas celebrations.

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