22 Street Lane Nursery - January 2022 Newsletter

January Newsletter NEWS Updated COVID-19 Restrictions: • Could we kindly remind parents that they need to wear a mask when entering the setting. • Please can we ask that only one parent or carer drops off/ picks up their child to minimise overcrowding in the nursery. • If your child has a high temperature, continuous new cough, or loss of taste/smell, you will need to keep them off nursery and have a PCR test. • Any child with the above symptoms, will be sent home immediately to have a PCR test.

Around The World In 30 Days Throughout December, we explored Christmas around the world and what this looks like. The children learned that in Iceland, children put their shoes on the windowsill so the ‘Yuletide Lads’, their version of Santa Claus, fills the shoes with little goodies. In Australia, it is very warm and sunny at Christmas time and many families celebrate Christmas day on the beach! Throughout January, we will be exploring animals around the world and their habitats, if you have any pictures of animals around the world that you would like to share with us, we would be more than grateful.

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