22 Street Lane Nursery - January 2022 Newsletter
January Newsletter The Swans Took The Stage In Our Christmas Nativity! On Thursday 16th December, the Swans children performed their special Christmas Nativity at St. Andrew's Church. The children had been so excited about the performance and had been learning and practising lots of new songs to tell the story of the Nativity to their parents. We had also been reading the Nativity storybook during these times and the children recognised the different characters and related the pictures to their own parts in the performance. Everyone had a different part to play in the Nativity and learned when it was their turn to stand up and sing their song. The Swans did an incredible job with their dramatic roles, taking the parts seriously and showcasing their fantastic work, adorable smiles, waves and sweet dance moves! We are so very proud of all the hard work that has gone into our Nativity, and for the children showing such enthusiasm, determination and resilience. Well done Swans!
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