22 Street Lane Nursery - July 2021 Newsletter
Newsletter July
Play • Discovery • Growth
July Newsletter
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome to our July newsletter. We are delighted to share another month of celebrations at 22 Street Lane, which has been filled with lots of fun-packed activities. The children have had another busy month at nursery, celebrating Portugal as our Country of the Month and learning all about the country. The children have also been celebrating Healthy Eating Week, where they have learnt the importance of eating a balanced diet and trying different fruits and vegetables. We have also had our own mini-triathlon here at the nursery in preparation for the AJ Bell World Triathlon at the start of last month. The children had fun making their own banners, which were put on display here at the nursery. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for being so understanding with the recent bubble closures and for being so vigilant with testing the children. We have lots of exciting things planned for July, such as Beach Party Week and a Football Day to celebrate the Euros! To find out more, please read on...
July Newsletter
New Cygnets Apprentice: Alexia Caine
We would like to welcome Alexia Caine to the team. Alexia has recently joined the Cygnets Team as an Apprentice Practitioner.
"I am an apprentice working towards completing my Level 3 Childcare Qualification. Previously I studied Health and Social Care for 3 years, spent 2 years studying GCSEs at Allerton Grange High School and then 1 year at Quarry Hill Campus where I completed my Health and Social Care Extended Diploma. I have always been passionate about working with the early years and supporting this specific group through their transitioning period."
Swans Graduation Ceremony Postponed - Friday 23 rd July
Unfortunately, due to the new Government guidance and restrictions, we have had to postpone the Swans Graduation to Friday 23rd July. We are hoping that you will still be able to attend the graduation and enjoy the celebrations.
We will keep you all updated if there are any other changes.
Employee Recognition Award, June 2021
Thank you to all the parents who took the time to vote for the staff member they feel deserves the ‘Employee Recognition Award’. We believe our staff should be recognised for delivering outstanding care and education each and their continued hard work.
We are delighted to announce that June’s award goes to…
Charlotte Mortin, Cygnets Room
Please visit our website to place for vote for next month: https://www.22streetlanenursery.co.uk/employee-recognition-award-vote/
July Newsletter
Room Transitions:
We have had a couple of parents asking when the children will be moving to the next room. The children will start their transitions in August and will be in their new room from the week commencing 6th September. Before transitions begin, we will let you know who your child’s new key person will be, as well as their transition dates and times on their normal nursery days. If you have any questions about this, then please ask your current room leader or someone from the management team.
Nursery Closing Early: Thursday 8th July
Following on from the postponement of our full training day on Wednesday 23rd June, we have had to rearrange the most important part of our training, which focuses on the new Early Years Statutory Framework that we will be working with from September 2021, to the afternoon of Thursday 8th July. As a result of this, we will be closing the nursery early. Please can you make sure your child is collected by 3pm at the latest on this date. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your understanding as we train our staff in these crucial areas of new learning.
Sun Cream and Hats
Now that the weather will be getting warmer with the Summer months ahead, please can you ensure you pack appropriate clothing for you child, such as hats, as well as sun cream for those extra hot days. We would recommend that you provide a sun cream which is ‘Factor 50’ and at least a 4-Star UVA Rating. The sun cream can also be kept at the nursery during the Spring/Summer months.
July Newsletter
June Country of the Month (Portugal) Celebrations
During June, we celebrated Portugal as our Country of the Month. The children enjoyed learning about the country's culture and language, and had lots of fun making their own Portuguese flags during messy play sessions. The children all enjoyed having a Portuguese dish of BBQ Piri Piri chicken, which was kindly made by our Head Chef, Chris Milner.
AJ Bell World Triathlon Championships
The children all enjoyed taking part in their own ‘Mini Triathlon’ at nursery to commemorate this event. The children took part in a small bike ride, followed by a run, before using their imagination to take part in the swimming race. Some of our children from the Ducklings Room were lucky to see some of the athletes training whilst on their walk around Roundhay Park. Throughout the nursery, the children also enjoyed decorating banners that we hung from the nursery railings for all the athletes to see as they pasted the building.
July Newsletter
Country of the Month - France (12th - 16th July)
This month, we will be learning about France as our Country of the Month. France is located in Western Europe and is bordered by the English Channel and Bay of Biscay. France is known for it's stunning landmarks and attractions such as the Eiffel Tower, the Cathedral of Notre Dame and the Arc de Triomphe. The children will have the opportunity to learn about the country's culture and history, as well as learning some key words in French too! We'll also be learning about the famous landmarks of France too through different messy play activities. We will also be holding a French-themed day on Wednesday 14th July, in line with the French National Day. We are inviting the children to come dressed up in anything French related, this could be holiday clothes or in the colours of the French flag.
Did you know?
The world’s greatest cycle race, the Tour de France, is more than 100 years old.
Enjoying Tasty Treats for Healthy Eating Week The children have all enjoyed celebrating Healthy Eating Week across the setting. Everyone had the opportunity to explore different fruits and vegetables, as well as tasting, feeling and smelling the different fruits. The children in the older rooms learnt about why it is important to eat a balanced diet and what kind of foods are good for us to eat.
July Newsletter
The Curiosity Approach at 22 Street Lane Curiosity is innate and we consider it to already be residing in all children, but for these interests to be activated, we must promote these situations and environments and develop the right kind of relationships with the child. We hope that their so that curiosity explodes and blooms as we continue to find new ways to engage and develop their imaginations. To accomplish this, we're giving the children the time, space and attention to create it. The Curiosity Approach is about creating that irresistible environment for learning and development, that recognises the uniqueness of each child, of each human being, of each citizen of now. Which is something that we believe every child deserves! There is no other reason needed, but for the JOY of following their own thoughts and thinking. To be creative and absorbed in the experience, to be ARTISTS , to collaborate with peers, to discuss, discover, explore and develop inquiry and investigation. Deep learning happening right before our eyes, and at Curiosity Approach settings all pre-determined outcomes are pushed aside, and the results speak for themselves. Because we have TRUST in the children, trust in the process and the proof is in the pudding, rather than what we staple on a display board or send home each day. Children choose to participate if they wish and advance with excitement and curiosity.
Teaching our children through heart and soul is what we must aspire to do. Look closely at their faces, how incredible to witness such pure joy. There’s truly no better reward!
“If you don’t love what you do, you won’t do it with much conviction or passion.” ~ Mia Hamm
Continuing our sharing of the A-Z of the Curiosity Approach, we are showcasing G & H this month:
Global Inspiration - We have both been incredibly lucky to travel the world visiting wondrous early childhood centres, collecting inspiration and memories. Our aim is to inspire and be inspired, becoming a nation of curious practitioners who light up this amazing world we live in for the next generation.
Homely Hyyge - Hygge is a Danish word used when acknowledging a feeling or moment, ordinary or extraordinary as cosy, charming or special. Curiosity Approach settings would seek to create an environment that captures that feeling of cosiness, warmth and togetherness for all who enter in to it.
July Newsletter
Football Day: Friday 9th July
With football fever taking over the nation this summer, we will be holding a football- themed fun day for the children on Friday 9th July to celebrate the finals of the 2020 Euros and to look forward to the upcoming season! The children will have the option to wear their sports clothes or any football kit they'd like on the day, where they'll have the chance to take part in lots of sporty activities, such as designing their own football shirts.
July Newsletter
Beach Party Week: Monday 12th July
To make the most of this lovely summer weather, we will once again be holding our annual Beach Party Week from Monday 12th to Friday 16th July. Each of the rooms will be setting up tons of different beach-themed activities during the week for the children to engage with. They'll be lots of fun messy play activities and children are welcome to wear their own beach/summer clothes during the week.
July Newsletter
Dish of the Month
Apple, Carrot and Maple Syrup Muffins
See our past selections on: 22streetlanenursery.co.uk/dish-of-the-month/
• 75g Self-Raising flour • 150g Plain wholemeal flour • 50g Brown sugar • 1 ½ tsp Baking powder • ½ tsp Ground cinnamon
• ½ tsp Ground ginger • 125ml Vegetable oil • 60ml Organic honey • 60ml Maple syrup • 2 medium eggs, lightly beaten • ½ tsp Vanilla extract • 1 large apple, peeled, cored and grated • 75g Carrots, peeled and grated • 65g Raisins
1. Pre-heat the oven to 180C. 2. Combine the flour, sugar, baking powder, cinnamon, ginger and salt in a mixing bowl. 3. In a separate bowl, combine the oil, honey, maple syrup, eggs and vanilla extract. 4. Beat lightly with a wire whisk until blended. Add the grated apple, carrots and raisins to the liquid mixture and stir well. 5. Fold in the dry ingredients until it just combines, but don’t over mix or the muffins will become heavy. 6. Line a muffin tray with 12 paper cups and fill until two-thirds full. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes. You can also make mini muffins which are ideal for children, they will take 15 to 20 minutes to bake. 7. Leave the muffins to cool in the tin for 5 minutes before turning out onto a wire rack to cool completely.
July Newsletter
Chicklets Room News The Chicklets have been celebrating Portugal as the Country of the Month. They had fun exploring the Portuguese flag in the messy play tray, where they used coloured rice to fill in the patterns. They have also enjoyed exploring a large beach-themed tray, where they explored the different textures of the sand. The Chicklets have been enjoying the outdoor environment recently and have been making the most of the sunshine we have had. The children have enjoyed splashing in the water tray and using the water wall. The children have also shown an interest in the large scale obstacle courses in the garden, where they have been practising keeping their balance by walking along the planks with support. The children have a big interest in messy play recently. We have been following this interest in the room by setting up large scale messy play activities. The children have especially enjoyed painting, using different tools and objects to make marks. We also introduced a mud digging tray for the children to explore with different tools. The Chicklets have also shown an interest in roleplay this month. We have been setting up the roleplay kitchen area with a little table which the children have been using to share the roleplay food with one another. We have also introduced roleplay baby dolls to the children too. The Chicklets have enjoyed cuddling the babies and attempting to feed them with bottles.
July Newsletter
Ducklings Room News
The Ducklings have had so much fun this month as we have been able to take some trips to Roundhay Park. While at the park, the children enjoyed running around the grass and exploring the new environment. The Ducklings especially loved looking at all the beautiful flowers and plants around them. The children picked daisies to take back to the nursery which we used later that day in our water play. While on another adventure outside of nursery the Ducklings got to watch some of the triathlon too! The children were able to watch the bikes as they went riding by and gave the cyclists a big cheer to keep them going. As the weather has been lovely lately, we have been spending lots of time outside in the garden and have been taking our messy play activities outside too. The Ducklings explored using playdough outside with all the different natural materials we could find around the garden. Some of the children placed sticks into their playdough then used their imagination to pretend it was ice cream. We also froze some paint and gave the children the opportunities to explore mark making in new and exciting ways. The Ducklings watched the ice melt as they moved the ice around the paper and explored the ice using their senses. Towards the end of the month, the Ducklings had to isolate. We held Zoom calls for the children to get involved in various activities We had singing, dancing and story sessions and even went on a few treasure hunts around our house. Each day a different challenge was set for the Ducklings to do at home from baking to getting creative. We loved to see what the children got involved in during this time.
July Newsletter
Goslings Room News
The Goslings have had a very busy month filled with lots of exciting activities. We watched the caterpillars change into beautiful butterflies last month and we finally released them on our balcony and watched them all fly away into the garden. It was very exciting to watch. With the triathlon passing Street Lane this month, we decided to cheer the runners on and made a good luck poster to hang outside which was lots of fun. In order to make the most out of the sunshine we have been taking walks to Roundhay Park, enjoying picnics and seeing the swans and the ducks. We have also been using our exploratory skills by painting ice cubes using the colours of the Portuguese flag. We really enjoyed watching the ice cubes change colour and eventually melt into the powder paint. The Goslings have also been using their culinary skills by making a fruit salad in order to celebrate Healthy Eating Week. We used all our senses by smelling the fruits and talking about how it feels in their hands. The children also enjoyed squeezing the orange to make juice! We shared all our favourite fruits and talked about why it is important to eat in order to be strong and healthy.
July Newsletter
Cygnets Room News
The Cygnets have had a very busy month throughout June and have enjoyed learning about lots of exciting things. The Cygnets have been exploring everything our Curiosity Areas has to offer, as well as celebrating our Country of the Month, Portugal. We have focused on looking at all types of animals, especially mini- beasts, insects and the life cycle of a caterpillar. The Cygnets have enjoyed learning all about life cycles by reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar, which is one of the favourites among the Cygnets, and we were very excited to watch our own caterpillars turn into beautiful butterflies. The Cygnets have had so much fun this month, as we have been able to take some trips to Roundhay Park to explore the fairy woodland and look at all the trees that have been carved out to create a magical storyland. The children also really enjoyed walking around the lake and finding the beautiful swan on her nest protecting her baby Cygnets. The Cygnets took some time at the park to do some mindfulness, we lay on the grass and closed our eyes listening to the sounds around us. This month we have closely looked at healthy eating. The children have enjoyed talking about their bodies and what foods are good for us. The Cygnets have spoken about oral health and why it is important to eat the right foods, as well as brushing to ensure our teeth remain healthy. We have encouraged our Cygnets to help themselves to our fruit station, as well as taking part in their own mini-triathlon.
July Newsletter
Swans Room News
We have had another busy and fun-filled month in Swans! This month we have been focusing on school readiness as the majority of the Swans children are starting ‘Big School’ in September. We set up a new ‘Book of the Month’ table linked to starting school complete with examples of different uniforms, school- themed stories and registers on clipboards. The children have really enjoyed exploring this table and have been roleplaying calling each other’s names before placing a tick or cross next to it for if the child is at Nursery or not! During circle times the children have enjoyed sharing their experiences from recent school visits where they have met their teachers and new friends. They have also been busy drawing their schools, their uniforms and pictures for their new teachers which has sparked lots of discussions about this next exciting adventure! The Swans have also been busy learning about Portugal in June. Many of our families have visited Portugal in the past and so we had lots of photos uploaded onto Tapestry which the children enjoyed sharing with one another. They have been busy making their own Portuguese flags using different materials, learning how to say “hello” and “goodbye” in Portuguese, as well as how to count from 1-5! This month we have also started practising for our ‘Swans Graduation Ceremony’ which has now be postponed to Friday 23rd July, due to the recent Government announcement regarding restrictions. The children have started to learn some new songs and actions for the big day and are already very excited to show these off!
July Newsletter
*ATTENTION* Important Information - Please Read
Car Park As you are aware, there are double yellow lines outside the nursery which have been put there for the safety of the children. Please can we ask that parents do not park on them, and also be mindful when parking on Park Lane that you do not park over the driveways of the residents there. Many of them are Key Workers who need immediate access from their homes when called out. There have been a few vehicles obstructing their driveways recently. Drop Off and Collection Can we kindly remind you that we open at 7.30 am and close at 6.00 pm and any parents who pick up after this time will be charged. We would just like to also remind you that the side gate to the Goslings, Cygnets and Swans areas will be locked between 9.00 am and 4.00 pm and should you drop off or collect outside of these times, it will be necessary to contact reception to arrange for someone to unlock the gate. High Temperatures and Fevers Please can we kindly remind parents that children cannot attend nursery if they have a high temperature (37.6 ° C). If a child develops a temperature whilst at nursery, parents will be called to collect them, as supported by our policies and procedures. Due to the guidance from National Health England, children who have a high temperature or a cough will be asked to have a Covid-19 test with a negative result required before returning to the setting. HMRC Additional Funding Code (3- & 4-year-olds - 30 hours) If you are eligible and in receipt of additional 3- & 4-year-old funding, look out for a prompt every three months from HMRC to reconfirm your details so that your eligibility can be re- assessed. If you do not do this, please note that we are unable to claim the funding on your behalf. Absence Please note that we are unable to swap days or offer an alternative day if your child is absent from nursery. We are now extremely busy, and it is impossible for us to do this for all children. This is stated in our terms and conditions. Thank you for your co-operation. Labels in Clothing To avoid items being lost, please can you ensure that your child’s uniform is clearly labelled including their coats, hats, scarves and wellies. If your child brings gloves to nursery, we strongly advise for these to be attached and threaded through their coat to avoid any gloves going missing.
July Newsletter
Upcoming Events
Thursday 8 th July (New Date) Team Training Session - Nursery CLOSES at 3pm
Friday 9 th July Football Day
W/C Monday 12 th July Beach Party Week
Friday 23 rd July (New Date) Swans Graduation Ceremony
Monday 2 nd August Yorkshire Day Celebrations
Monday 30 th August Summer Bank Holiday - Nursery CLOSED
CONTACT US 0333 043 22 22
www.22streetlanenursery.co.uk info@22streetlanenursery.co.uk
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