22 Street Lane Nursery - July 2021 Newsletter
July Newsletter
Ducklings Room News
The Ducklings have had so much fun this month as we have been able to take some trips to Roundhay Park. While at the park, the children enjoyed running around the grass and exploring the new environment. The Ducklings especially loved looking at all the beautiful flowers and plants around them. The children picked daisies to take back to the nursery which we used later that day in our water play. While on another adventure outside of nursery the Ducklings got to watch some of the triathlon too! The children were able to watch the bikes as they went riding by and gave the cyclists a big cheer to keep them going. As the weather has been lovely lately, we have been spending lots of time outside in the garden and have been taking our messy play activities outside too. The Ducklings explored using playdough outside with all the different natural materials we could find around the garden. Some of the children placed sticks into their playdough then used their imagination to pretend it was ice cream. We also froze some paint and gave the children the opportunities to explore mark making in new and exciting ways. The Ducklings watched the ice melt as they moved the ice around the paper and explored the ice using their senses. Towards the end of the month, the Ducklings had to isolate. We held Zoom calls for the children to get involved in various activities We had singing, dancing and story sessions and even went on a few treasure hunts around our house. Each day a different challenge was set for the Ducklings to do at home from baking to getting creative. We loved to see what the children got involved in during this time.
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