22 Street Lane Nursery - July 2021 Newsletter
July Newsletter
Room Transitions:
We have had a couple of parents asking when the children will be moving to the next room. The children will start their transitions in August and will be in their new room from the week commencing 6th September. Before transitions begin, we will let you know who your child’s new key person will be, as well as their transition dates and times on their normal nursery days. If you have any questions about this, then please ask your current room leader or someone from the management team.
Nursery Closing Early: Thursday 8th July
Following on from the postponement of our full training day on Wednesday 23rd June, we have had to rearrange the most important part of our training, which focuses on the new Early Years Statutory Framework that we will be working with from September 2021, to the afternoon of Thursday 8th July. As a result of this, we will be closing the nursery early. Please can you make sure your child is collected by 3pm at the latest on this date. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your understanding as we train our staff in these crucial areas of new learning.
Sun Cream and Hats
Now that the weather will be getting warmer with the Summer months ahead, please can you ensure you pack appropriate clothing for you child, such as hats, as well as sun cream for those extra hot days. We would recommend that you provide a sun cream which is ‘Factor 50’ and at least a 4-Star UVA Rating. The sun cream can also be kept at the nursery during the Spring/Summer months.
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