22 Street Lane Nursery - July 2023 Newsletter
Newsletter July Play • Discovery • Growth
July Newsletter
Dear Parents and Carers, Welcome to our July newsletter! We are delighted to share another month of celebrations at 22 Street Lane Nursery, which has been filled with lots of fun-packed activities. The children have had another busy month celebrating Father’s Day, Healthy Eating Week and Eid. We have some exciting times ahead, including our annual Beach Party Week and our Swans Graduation festivities. We will be so sad to see our Swans leave us over the summer months, but we wish them all the best of lucks in their next journeys to ‘Big School’. To find out more, please read on...
July Newsletter STAFF NEWS
Alexia has Qualified! We would like to say a huge congratulations to Alexia, who has completed her Level 3 Diploma for the Children’s Workforce. Alexia has worked really hard to gain this and we are all so very proud of her. Well done, Alexia!
Welcome to Emily and Miriam! We would like to introduce you to Emily and Miriam, who are both joining 22 Street Lane as part of our bank staff team in all of our rooms. They're both excited to get started and are looking forward to getting to know all the children.
Team Training Day During our staff training day, we covered important topics such as our nursery curriculum, safeguarding as well as taking part in team building activities and first aid refreshers.
July Newsletter NEWS
Father’s Day Stay and Play Thank you to everyone who attended our Father’s Day Stay and Play sessions. The children loved sharing their activities and spending time with their special people. We hope that you all had as much fun as we did!
Healthy Eating Week As part of our Healthy Eating Week, the children learned about what foods keep us healthy and what foods we shouldn’t eat too much of. The children have also been spending time in the nursery allotment planting and growing their own foods, such as lettuce, carrots, peas, herbs, cucumber and butternut squash!
July Newsletter NEWS
Country of the Month, July 2023 - Greece During June, we have been exploring Spain as our Country of the Month. Manuela has been teaching the children words and songs in Spanish and Flamenco dancing! The children have cooked some traditional Spanish dishes, such as patatas bravas and gazpacho, as well as celebrating the ‘Tomatina Festival’! Throughout July, we will be exploring Greece as our Country of the Month. We will be exploring Ancient Greece as well as other Greek traditions and customs. Oli and Kim will also be preparing a Greek inspired menu for the children to try! If you have any resources, such as holiday photos that will support the children’s learning, we would be most grateful if you could share these with us.
Leavers Trip to Stockeld Park All the staff and children enjoyed our trip to Stockeld Park. The teachers were so impressed with the children's listening skills and behaviour! Despite the initial wet weather, we had a blast exploring the Enchanted Forest, climbing and racing through the inflatables, riding the tractors, playing in the playgrounds and getting lost (temporarily) in the maze.
Eid al-Adha Celebrations! We had lots of fun celebrating Eid al-Adha! We took part in lots of craft activities making moon and star pictures, as well as making our prayer mats.
July Newsletter NEWS
Beach Party Week - W/C Monday 17th July We will be holding our annual Beach Party on the week starting Monday 17th July (weather permitting). The children will have the opportunity to take part in lots of beach-inspired activities such as volleyball, sandcastle competitions and water play! Oli will be cooking up a seaside tradition of ‘fish n chips’ and serving some homemade ice lollies.
Nursery Leavers Reminder Just a reminder that if your child is leaving the nursery, we require six weeks’ notice, if you already know the date that your child is leaving, please can you let us know so that we can plan accordingly. Please email kate@22streetlanenursery.co.uk with this information. Thank you
Chickenpox Information We have recently had a few cases of Chickenpox in the nursery. If your child develops any of the common symptoms of Chickenpox, please keep them home until all the scabs have crusted over, which usually happens within five days.
For more information on Chickenpox, please visit: https://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Chickenpox
July Newsletter
Dish of the Month
Vegetable and Bean Chilli with Homemade Nacho Crisps and Guacamole
See our past selections on: 22streetlanenursery.co.uk/dish-of-the-month/ Ingredients
• 1 pack of tortilla wraps • 5g of smoked paprika • 1 bunch of coriander • 1 lime • 2 large white onions • 10g chilli powder • 3g fennel seeds • 5g garlic paste • 1 tube of tomato purée • 4 tins of chopped tomatoes • 1 tin of kidney beans • 200g of tinned sweetcorn • 400g of tinned butter beans • Hickory Liquid Smoke, one drop • 4 fresh tomatoes finely diced • 1 whole celery • 1kg of carrots
1. Cut your tortilla wraps into small triangles, add a splash of oil and sprinkle over the smoked paprika. Bake at 180C for around 10 minutes, until golden and crisp, then set aside. 2. Peel and smash one avocado with a fork. Add the juice of one lime and some finely diced chopped coriander with a little salt and pepper. (You can add any other ingredients you like) 3. Start by slowly caramelising the onions in a pan with your spices, making sure they do not burn. Once they are nicely softened and coloured, add the rest of your prepared vegetables and sauté until almost cooked. Add your chopped tomatoes, tomato paste and smoke essence. 4. Cook it until the vegetables are ready, check your seasoning and make any adjustments. Rinse your beans and add them to your chilli. Cook until your beans are soft and add diced coriander. 5. Plate up your vegetable bean chilli and finish with your homemade guacamole and crunchy tortillas, then prepare fresh salsa with tomatoes and anything else you wish.
July Newsletter Swans Graduation Ceremony: Thursday 20th July
We’ve already started planning for this big day as it’s always such an exciting day in our annual calendar. So make sure to pop this very important date in your diary, as it’s not one to miss. Our Swans Graduation is always a special event, and we hope to make this year's ceremony bigger and better than ever before, with tons of fun activities, big performances and yummy food. We’ll be looking back at the time our Swans spent at 22 Street Lane and wishing them lots of luck in Big School!
July Newsletter Yorkshire Day Celebrations: Tuesday 1 st August
Eh up! We will be celebrating Yorkshire Day on Tuesday 1st August. We will be creating Yorkshire roses, exploring the beauties of Yorkshire and making our own Yorkshire flags! Children are invited to wear the colours on the Yorkshire flag and they'll get to try some yummy local dishes, such as Yorkshire Pudding wraps for lunch, which will of course be followed by a good ol’ cuppa!
July Newsletter Chicklets Room News
What a sunny month it has been this June! The Chicklets made the most of the sunny weather, coming to the nursery in their swimwear and enjoying lots of fun water activities. The little paddling pool was a favourite as the Chicklets stood inside and made a great big splash. The warm weather also meant we could enjoy some delicious fruit ice lollies and lots of yummy summer fruits too. We would just like to thank all the dads who joined us for our Father’s Day Stay and Play; we loved having you and the Chicklets enjoyed being able to show you all the fun they get up to at the nursery. We hope you enjoyed getting splashed, soaking up the sun and tucking into some tasty burritos too. This month we have ventured out on lots of outings including Roundhay Park, the Monet Gardens, the local shops and Tropical World! The Chicklets have been busy exploring lots of different natural resources, creatures and taking part in the local community spirit. Next month, we hope for the weather to stay glorious so we can host our nursery Beach Day, where the sun, water and sand activities will continue. Maybe we'll all get to have a tasty summer treat too! In July, we are also going to be following the children’s interest in books as a way to build up their communication skills and better understand their wants and needs, so they're ready for their big move up to the next room in September.
July Newsletter
Ducklings Room News
The Ducklings enjoyed baking Honey Flapjack and Banana Loaf this month, and we practised taking turns when being able to mix the bowl and helped put in all the ingredients needed. The Ducklings have really improved on their turn-taking. We have also noticed that the children have shown an interest in the nursery rhyme ‘The Five Little Speckled Frogs’. Following on from this, we set up a water sensory ‘Five Little Little Speckled Frogs’, for the children to explore! The Ducklings enjoyed exploring the tray, counting the frogs ‘1, 2, 3, 4, 5!’, we sang our favourite nursery rhyme and read the book. Another massive interest of the Ducklings this month has been animals and drawing, we combined these together and created a large-scale animal drawing activity for the children to enjoy. The children recognised the different animals on the paper and would say the different noises they made. We used our mark-making skills to draw and create our own masterpieces. We have also been enjoying our Ducklings Sensory Sessions, where we turned out the lights and got out the glow sticks and danced to the music. We also like to note that our Lending Library is placed outside the Ducklings Room and is refreshed with different books regularly. The Lending Library allows parents and children to take books home that your child enjoys and is interested in. If you would like to choose a book from the Lending Library, all you need to do is sign your name and date on the sheet provided next to the book you've chosen, and the same for returning it back to the nursery. We hope you enjoy our stories and reading with your little ones!
July Newsletter Goslings Room News
It has been lovely few weeks in the Goslings Room and we've enjoyed lots of water activities in the sunshine, including a little paddling pool, ice play and even being sprayed with water. We also enjoyed lots of picnics outside in the garden. We enjoyed a Father’s Day Stay and Play in the Big Garden. The dads and Goslings enjoyed lots of exciting activities together, such as fishing in our water tray, playing some football and topping it off with some delicious burritos. We would just like to thank all the parents for attending their Stay and Play session, the children loved sharing their activities with you all. The Goslings have shown a big interest in ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ storybook, most of the children can talk about the process of how the caterpillar becomes a butterfly and what foods he likes to eat in the book. Inspired by their interest, we decided to have some caterpillars in our nursery where the children can watch them as they change! We finally released them a few days ago on the balcony and the Goslings were so excited to finally see them as butterflies. This was such an exciting moment. Lastly, to celebrate Eid, the Goslings have enjoyed lots of activities inspired by the Islamic festival, such as decorating moons and stars for the reception and even painting our hands with brown paint as henna.
July Newsletter Cygnets Room News
During June, we have been focusing on Spain as our County of the Month. Manuela has been teaching the children lots of Spanish words that they can use in their day-to-day life, for example, water is agua. Manuela has also been teaching the children some songs in Spanish, as well as some salsa dances. We used paint to create the Spanish flag and the children have been making traditional Spanish dishes, such as paella! We have been celebrating Eid throughout June. The Cygnets had lots of fun making moon and stars pictures using tin foil. The children also got creative and designed their own henna. We've also been enjoying the wonderful weather and have had lots of fun coming to the nursery for our splash days. The children enjoyed wearing their swimming clothes and taking part in lots of fun water activities such as the water slide, sea animal water trays and building sandcastles in the sandpit. We really enjoyed having the dads and other special people come in to celebrate Father’s Day. We had a fun sports-themed afternoon with lots of activities set up, such as fishing in the water tray, football, giant Jenga and a ring toss. The children also got creative and made their dads a meal. To celebrate Healthy Eating Week, we did lots of fun and exciting activities. The children used fruit and vegetables to print with. We made some delicious fruit ice lollies where the children cut up some fruit, then carefully added some water before freezing them and enjoying these for a yummy snack! We have also been taking great care of our allotment and have even tried some of our lettuce we grew.
Swans Room News July Newsletter
We are looking forward to this coming month filled with lots of activities including Beach Week and our Graduation for our children heading off to school in September. We also got to have another lovely Stay and Play session for Father’s Day. We were able to welcome lots of Dads and Grandads into our big garden who all got involved in the activities which was lovely to see. Early in June, we learnt about 'World Ocean Day'. We learnt all about sea creatures and how they are being affected by plastic pollution. We looked at real-life photos of pollution, read the story 'The Undersea Cleaning Spree' and watched a short clip teaching us about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. The children were shocked at how much plastic pollution there is and we talked about lots of ways we can recycle and help reduce this problem. Throughout the week we completed ocean-related crafts and activities where we could ‘save’ our sea creatures. As a nursery we also all celebrated Eid al-Adha. We learnt about how some families celebrate this special time of year and read lots of books with characters who celebrate Eid al-Adha. We took part in lots of activities including making prayer mats, designing mehndi patterns, looking at Mosques and drawing them, and trying traditional foods. We also got to go on our Stockeld Park trip together. This was so much fun for everyone involved and the teachers were so impressed with how well the children listened and played together. June was so fabulous we cannot wait to see where the children’s interests will take us this month!
July Newsletter
Upcoming Events
W/C Monday 17 th July Beach Party Week Thursday 20 th July Swans Graduation Ceremony Tuesday 1 st August Yorkshire Day Celebrations Monday 28 th August Summer Bank Holiday, Nursery CLOSED W/C Monday 11 th September Carnival Week
July Newsletter
*ATTENTION* Important Information - Please Read Car Park Please can we kindly ask that parents ensure they are only parking in a single car parking bay. As you are aware, we have very limited space, and it is very busy a peak times. Thank you for your support. Drop Off and Collection Can we kindly remind you that we open at 7.30 am and close at 6.00 pm and any parents who pick up after this time will be charged. Sun Cream and Sunhats With the warmer months upon us, please can you ensure that your child has appropriate clothing for warm weather including sun cream and a sun hat. We would recommend that you provide sun cream which is factor 50 and at least a 4-star UVA rating. If you could please label your child’s sun cream and hat with their name, it would be helpful.
July Newsletter
*ATTENTION* Important Information - Please Read HMRC Additional Funding Code (3- & 4-year-olds - 30 hours) If you are eligible and in receipt of additional 3- & 4-year-old funding, look out for a prompt every three months from HMRC to reconfirm your details so that your eligibility can be re assessed. If you do not do this, please note that we are unable to claim the funding on your behalf. Absence Please note that we are unable to swap days or offer an alternative day if your child is absent from nursery. We are now extremely busy, and it is impossible for us to do this for all children. This is stated in our terms and conditions. Thank you
for your co-operation. Labels in Clothing
To avoid items being lost, please can you ensure that your child’s uniform is clearly labelled including their coats, hats, scarves and wellies. If your child brings gloves to nursery, we strongly advise for these to be attached and threaded through their coat to avoid any gloves going missing.
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www.22streetlanenursery.co.uk info@22streetlanenursery.co.uk
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