22 Street Lane Nursery - July 2023 Newsletter

July Newsletter

Ducklings Room News

The Ducklings enjoyed baking Honey Flapjack and Banana Loaf this month, and we practised taking turns when being able to mix the bowl and helped put in all the ingredients needed. The Ducklings have really improved on their turn-taking. We have also noticed that the children have shown an interest in the nursery rhyme ‘The Five Little Speckled Frogs’. Following on from this, we set up a water sensory ‘Five Little Little Speckled Frogs’, for the children to explore! The Ducklings enjoyed exploring the tray, counting the frogs ‘1, 2, 3, 4, 5!’, we sang our favourite nursery rhyme and read the book. Another massive interest of the Ducklings this month has been animals and drawing, we combined these together and created a large-scale animal drawing activity for the children to enjoy. The children recognised the different animals on the paper and would say the different noises they made. We used our mark-making skills to draw and create our own masterpieces. We have also been enjoying our Ducklings Sensory Sessions, where we turned out the lights and got out the glow sticks and danced to the music. We also like to note that our Lending Library is placed outside the Ducklings Room and is refreshed with different books regularly. The Lending Library allows parents and children to take books home that your child enjoys and is interested in. If you would like to choose a book from the Lending Library, all you need to do is sign your name and date on the sheet provided next to the book you've chosen, and the same for returning it back to the nursery. We hope you enjoy our stories and reading with your little ones!


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