22 Street Lane Nursery - July 2023 Newsletter

Swans Room News July Newsletter

We are looking forward to this coming month filled with lots of activities including Beach Week and our Graduation for our children heading off to school in September. We also got to have another lovely Stay and Play session for Father’s Day. We were able to welcome lots of Dads and Grandads into our big garden who all got involved in the activities which was lovely to see. Early in June, we learnt about 'World Ocean Day'. We learnt all about sea creatures and how they are being affected by plastic pollution. We looked at real-life photos of pollution, read the story 'The Undersea Cleaning Spree' and watched a short clip teaching us about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. The children were shocked at how much plastic pollution there is and we talked about lots of ways we can recycle and help reduce this problem. Throughout the week we completed ocean-related crafts and activities where we could ‘save’ our sea creatures. As a nursery we also all celebrated Eid al-Adha. We learnt about how some families celebrate this special time of year and read lots of books with characters who celebrate Eid al-Adha. We took part in lots of activities including making prayer mats, designing mehndi patterns, looking at Mosques and drawing them, and trying traditional foods. We also got to go on our Stockeld Park trip together. This was so much fun for everyone involved and the teachers were so impressed with how well the children listened and played together. June was so fabulous we cannot wait to see where the children’s interests will take us this month!


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