22 Street Lane Nursery - March 2019 Newsletter
March Newsletter Goslings
The Goslings have had a fabulous February month, packed with many fantastic fun-filled activities. We have taken part in a variety of baking activities, including making spring rolls to celebrate Chinese New Year (the children helped scoop the filling onto a pastry sheet and rolled it up to make a spring roll!) Following this successful activity, we decided to bake some healthy shortbread biscuits; the children helped by mixing the ingredients together and then used the cutters to create heart- shaped cookies. As our Goslings love pretend play, we decided to enhance the roleplay zone by swapping over the cosy area to allow more space for freedom and imagination. We have also changed our small world/construction and heuristic area, giving the children more opportunities to explore. We continue to set up the areas artfully around the children's interest and we have noticed that children are displaying a high level of engagement during their play. If your child has a interest at home, please do let us know! We have introduced the story of the Three Little Pigs where the children have enjoyed dressing up and making houses in the construction area. We have also enjoyed a trip to Roundhay park where the children loved seeing the swans and ducks, and tucked into a picnic overlooking the lake.
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