22 Street Lane Nursery - March 2019 Newsletter
March Newsletter
Chicklets In the past month the Chicklets have enjoyed exploring the outdoor environment: riding on the bikes, and climbing up and down the stairs with support, enhancing their physical development. They have also enjoyed exploring the sand outside with the buckets and spades - we changed the consistency from dry to wet so the children could explore different textures! Some of the Chicklets have really found their voice recently and are beginning to use words such as ‘coat’, ‘hat’, and ‘shoes’ whilst we have been getting ready to go outdoors. The Chicklets have shown a big interest in cars; to support this interest we have set up different car tracks for the children to explore with a variety of vehicles. The children enjoy pushing the cars up and down the ramp and also looking at the vehicle book. When exploring cars, we have encouraged the children to imitate the sounds the car makes, such as "brum brum", whilst some of the children say "car" and "digger". Messy play is always a favourite in the Chicklets room. The children have been enjoying exploring different types of messy play this month ranging from rice noodles to coloured rice and water. A favourite of the last few weeks has been shredded paper. The Chicklets have enjoyed sprinkling the shredded paper and finding hidden toys beneath it in the tray!
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