22 Street Lane Nursery - March 2021 Newsletter
March Newsletter
Swans Room News
The Swans have been very busy throughout February and have enjoyed learning about lots of exciting things. Our Country of the Month this month was China, as we celebrated Chinese New Year. This year was the Year of the Ox, and the children enjoyed learning all about the traditions followed, foods eaten and so on over the course of the week. The children were busy exploring a messy tuff tray which looked like the Chinese flag, making Chinese Lanterns, designing dragon pictures, exploring red Chinese New Year themed playdough, making Giant Panda pictures (as Panda’s originate from China) and lots more! To end the month the children have been taking part in Pirate Week! The Swans children enjoyed a very exciting and fun filled Pirate Day, coming to Nursery dressed up as pirates, embarking on a treasure hunt and writing letters in a bottle to Pirate Pete! The children have also been designing their very own treasure maps and pirate designs. As always, the children have also continued taking part in weekly woodwork sessions, as we continue our next project - making our own bird house. If you have any spare logs of wood at home that you would be able to donate, that would be fantastic! We have also been providing lots of baking activities for the children, making some cinnamon shortbreads, and a banana and ginger cake. We have been participating in lots of other phonics and maths activities, including threading, practising our 1:1 correspondence skills using a range of objects, large scale mark making outside and lots more!
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