22 Street Lane Nursery - March 2021 Newsletter
March Newsletter NEWS
Country of the Month - Ireland Throughout March we will be celebrating Ireland as our Country of the Month. Ireland is known as the Emerald Isle because it is so green and rains for a good chunk of the year. The children will be learning about the Harp, which is the national symbol of Ireland and traditional Celtic music which features fiddles, tin whistles and harps, and who can resist giving Irish Dancing a go! I am sure many of you have seen Riverdance. Did you know? St. Patrick was not actually Irish, he was in fact English. Legend has it that he chased all the snakes from Ireland, but scientists say the country has never had any records of wild snakes inhabiting the country.
Valentine’s Day Celebrations We had a day full of love at nursery preparing for Valentine’s Day. The children made their own cards and gifts, enjoyed exploring pink and red rose petals, as well as making their own perfume potions. The babies really enjoyed sticking together bits of pink feathers and tissue paper to decorate their heart shapes. There were heart shapes everywhere and the younger children enjoyed using these to make heart shape cookies out of playdough. Some of the children even made their own real heart-shaped biscuits to take home and enjoy as a treat. ❤
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