22 Street Lane Nursery - March 2022 Newsletter

March Newsletter Chicklets Room News

Throughout February we have introduced some new resources into the Chicklets Room which the children have been enjoying exploring. The first item was the Wobble Board, which challenges the children's physical development. The Chicklets have had fun exploring the Wobble Board and showing us the different ways they can use it, such as climbing, sliding down and rocking it. The second item is a baby massage sensory basket, which allows them to enjoy using the different objects like brushes to brush their hair. They especially liked using the personal head massager! The Chicklets have all shown a strong interest in music this month. They have enjoyed taking part in 'Shake, Rattle & Boogie' sessions where they are all starting to learn different dance routines while learning which instruments are going to come next in the song. We also had a bubble disco in the room this month, where the children enjoyed waving the sensory fabrics to the music and popping all the bubbles from the bubble machine. Some of our children have started to point to their facial features too. We have been very busy exploring different forms of messy play this month. We have been painting our own Valentine’s Day cards to send home and have been enjoying exploring the colours of Pablo Picasso’s work. We have also really enjoyed the sand play, where the children have been scooping up the sand and putting it into the different sized containers.


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