22 Street Lane Nursery - March 2022 Newsletter

March Newsletter

Ducklings Room News

The Ducklings have had a very fun February and have been learning about lots of new things. We started the month celebrating Chinese New Year, the Year of the Tiger. The Ducklings used their fine motor skills to scoop up red rice to carefully coordinate their eye and hand movement to fully fill up the traditional red envelopes, which symbolize good luck and prosperity in China. We enjoyed Storytelling Week, reading and sharing stories together brought in by the children from home. The Very Hungry Caterpillar was a favourite story, the children took it in turns to match smiley caterpillar faces to the fruit in the book, with one sticker going to each piece of fruit, This helped with the understanding of the early concept of 1:1 correspondence in mathematics. Valentine’s Day was filled with pink and red rose petals and the Ducklings enjoyed themed messy play activities and making crafts and cards for their dearest loved ones to take home. The Ducklings also took part in many activities to promote Mental Health Week, such as body art painting, instrument pattern sessions, yoga and bubble discos. The Ducklings got really involved with our 'Artist of the Month' celebrations and had a go at using lots of bright colours and pattern printing materials to design their very own mini Pablo Picasso pieces of art, we definitely have some mini artists in the making. Next month we look forward to Mother’s Day Celebrations and joining in with a massive Easter Egg Hunt in the big garden.


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