22 Street Lane Nursery - March 2022 Newsletter

March Newsletter NEWS

Mental Health Week Activities The children took part in lots of mindfulness activities in support of Mental Health Week. They took part in music and bubble sessions and colouring activities. The older children also had a special yoga class where they practised their breathing and did lots of new yoga moves. Afterwards, they had the chance to make different faces using playdough, paint and lots of natural resources to show how they felt on different days. We then spoke about our emotions and what makes us feel happy and sad, scared and excited.

Valentine’s Day Fun! The children had lots of fun celebrating Valentine's Day! They made special cards for people that they love as well as sharing pictures of their loved ones at circle time. The younger children enjoyed a ‘Love Potion’ themed water tray and petal play! Other activities included decorating love hearts by sticking together different materials using glue sticks and painting them with cotton wool! Some of the Swans made cards for their friends and family and enjoyed a variety of messy play activities involving pasta, water, playdough and rose petals.

Artist of the Month: Pablo Picasso For our very first Artist of the Month we looked at the work of Pablo Picasso. The children have been learning and looking at lots of Picasso’s artwork and creating their own abstract paintings, as well as exploring Picasso inspired messy play! Throughout March, we will be looking at Vincent Van Gogh.

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