22 Street Lane Nursery - March 2023 Newsletter
March Newsletter Goslings Room News
The Goslings have been very busy over the past few weeks, we kicked off February by celebrating Valentine's Day. In order to celebrate the day of love, the Goslings have been enjoying decorating heart shapes using all things red and pink! This includes making cards for the ones we love the most. The Goslings have been enjoying action-based nursery rhymes recently, before lunch or teatime we often give the children an opportunity to choose whether they would like to read a story or do some singing! They enjoy movement when singing along to songs such as ‘Miss Polly had a Dolly’ and ‘Head, shoulders, knees and toes’. With the weather becoming milder, we have been busy taking trips to our local charity shops on Street Lane. The Goslings were very excited to walk to the shops and explore what things they could find for the nursery! We bought a new drum, alongside jigsaw puzzles, which was a great find. We also have been taking trips to Roundhay Park to feed the swans and ducks, we find it is important to provide as many new experiences as possible to spark the children’s curiosity. Moving on, Shrove Tuesday was a very busy day. The Goslings enjoyed yummy pancakes with delicious fruit with their lunch. We also made out very own pancakes inspired by nature, using leaves from the baby garden and purple-coloured rice to use as sprinkles on our playdough pancakes. Lastly, The Goslings have been enjoying their new curiosity surrounding mini-beasts as of late. We have been enjoying lots of mini-beast themed activities in our tuff trays filled with different materials which have been great fun.
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