22 Street Lane Nursery - May 2020

May Newsletter Cygnets Home Learning Ideas

Here are some home learning ideas you can do at home: • Create a Sensory Soup - Add oranges, limes and lemons to a large container and mix it with water and any leaves you can find to create a sensory soup. Count how many items you have put in the container. • Spring Flower Playdough - Create playdough by mixing flour, water, and oil until it forms a dough. Add any flowers you have found in the garden and allow the children to explore by making different shapes. • Ice Paints - Make paint, pour this into ice moulds and freeze. Use ice pop sticks to paint lovely pictures in the garden. • Paint Pebbles - Can you find any pebbles in the garden or on your walk? Collect these and paint them with different designs and let them dry. • Spice Painting - Can you find any spices that are not been used at home? Mix the spices with water until it forms a paste. Dip paintbrushes or sticks into the mixture and make marks on a piece of paper. To expand this further, you can discuss what the spices smell of, and what it looks like. • Can you make a musical instrument? Find an empty container and fill this with any dry food you have, such as rice or pasta. You can then decorate the instrument with any materials you have such as paper and paints. • Natural Ice Block - Can you find different natural resources from the garden or whilst on a walk? Collect these and then add them to an ice cube tray and freeze them. You can extend this activity by using different tools to try and break the ice.


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