22 Street Lane Nursery - May 2021 Newsletter
May Newsletter
Ducklings Room News
The Ducklings have been very busy during April and have been celebrating lots of exciting events. At the beginning of the month, the Ducklings enjoyed celebrating Easter and were very busy making Easter pictures where they used their fine motor skills to stick and glue the picture together, with a variety of coloured tissue paper. The Ducklings also enjoyed exploring the Easter Egg tuff tray, where they had to hunt in the dried rice for the special Easter Egg. We also had a special visit in the room from the Easter Bunny too! We would like to say a big ‘well done’ to everyone who joined in with the Easter Egg bonnet competition and to our three winners. During the month, the children have enjoyed taking part in different large scale messy play activities. One of the children’s favourite activities was large-scale painting, where the children were stripped down to their nappies so they could explore the texture of the paint on their body as well as the paper itself. The Ducklings were very creative and loved making different marks on the paper. As the weather has started to become nicer, the Ducklings have been going on frequent walks to Roundhay Park. The children enjoyed sitting in the hut in the park and eating their yummy snacks whilst looking at the beautiful trees and flowers. After eating their snack, the children then went towards the little lake and fed the swans and ducks. To end our lovely trip, we went to the Forest School with all the fairy hurts, what fun! We enjoyed exploring the fairy huts that have been built by the local community. We knocked on the doors and found fairies hiding inside the different rooms.
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