22 Street Lane Nursery - May 2021 Newsletter

May Newsletter The Curiosity Approach at 22 Street Lane

The core ethos of The Curiosity Approach is when motivated and mindful educators take time to create beautiful resources for CURIOUS children to explore and investigate. Educating our little ones is a privilege that we must never waste or ignore, so our role is to inspire curious little learners, and as adults, we need to go the extra mile to create the thinkers and doers of the future. We need to personally think outside the box, to use the box and any other loose parts or recycled materials to create incredible opportunities for exploration, discovery and imaginative play. That box could become a train, a space-ship or a boat sailing towards to a tropical island. There is no other reason needed, but for the JOY of following their own thoughts and thinking. To be creative and absorbed in the experience, to be ARTISTS , to collaborate with peers, to discuss, discover, explore and develop inquiry and investigation. Deep learning happening right before our eyes, and at Curiosity Approach settings all pre-determined outcomes are pushed aside, and the results speak for themselves. Because we have TRUST in the children, trust in the process and the proof is in the pudding, rather than what we staple on a display board or send home each day. Children choose to participate if they wish and advance with excitement and curiosity.

Teaching our children through heart and soul is what we must aspire to do. Look closely at their faces, how incredible to witness such pure joy. There’s truly no better reward! “If you don’t love what you do, you won’t do it with much conviction or passion.” ~ Mia Hamm

Continuing our sharing of the A-Z of the Curiosity Approach, we are showcasing C & D this month:

Curious Minds - Babies are born learners, with a natural curiosity to figure out how the world works. Curiosity is the desire to learn. It is an eagerness to explore, discover and figure things out. Early Childhood Educators have a responsibility to support and reinforce this innate curiosity to give children the confidence to develop their own theories about our incredible world. Display - We are advocates for calm, neutral backgrounds for any displays to let the learning shine through, making it visible! The use of natural, earthly tones will also give off a sense of calmness as colour play an important role in the overall aesthetic of a space, it can also impact an individual’s mood, emotional wellbeing, learning and behaviour.

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