22 Street Lane Nursery - May 2022 Newsletter
May Newsletter Goslings Room News
What a wonderful April the Goslings have had! We started off by celebrating Easter, where we decorated Easter Eggs using shaving foam and paint, as well as cotton buds to make marks. The Goslings also enjoyed our very own Easter Egg hunt in the baby garden, which was lots of fun as they enjoyed finding the different coloured eggs and counting them all into the basket. The Goslings have enjoyed trips out into the local community. They started off by visiting Tropical World to see all of the tropical animals such as iguanas, meerkats, spiders and snakes! The Goslings have shown a great interest in animal sounds, so this was a great opportunity to extend this interest further. We also took a trip to Oakwood Library to lend the library some books. We travelled by bus, which was a new opportunity for some of the children. The Goslings particularly enjoyed singing lots of nursery rhymes on our way there, such as 'The Wheels on the Bus'! We've also been looking at different plants from around the world, which involved decorating a cactus using green paint and rice, alongside rose-themed playdough and shaving foam with petals. The children had great fun exploring this! Lastly, as our Goslings often enjoy getting creative with their hand, like when we baked some biscuits and cupcakes for the Bake Sale last month, we have set our May Home Learning Challenge to post pictures of you and your child baking together. You could also even post a recipe, and we can bake it in the nursery!
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