22 Street Lane Nursery - November 2019 Newsletter
Newsletter November
Play • Discovery • Growth
November Newsletter
Dear Parents and Carers, Welcome to our November newsletter! We are delighted to share another month of celebrations here at 22 Street Lane full of lots of fun packed activities! A special warm welcome to all our new children and their families who have joined us over the last couple of weeks. Autumn is definitely a magical time for young children in which we have been exploring the season in many ways. We have enjoyed autumnal walks to Roundhay Park and had lots of spooky fun celebrating Halloween (not forgetting our annual pumpkin decorating competition!) The children loved welcoming their Grandparents in for our ‘Grandparent’s Tea Party’ as well as celebrating Diwali through lots of colourful messy play, creating tea light holders and lanterns. A busy month as always exploring and learning, with lots more to come!
November Newsletter NEWS
NMT Awards (Nursery Management Today)
On Friday 22nd October, Simon (Nursery CEO and owner) and Alex (Nursery Manager) made their way down to London to represent 22 Street Lane Nursery at the judging day for the NMT awards. We are finalists in the category for ‘Individual Nursery of the Year’ which recognises singly owned and run settings that create the very best environment to promote the highest levels of childcare, staff morale and business performance.
We will find out who will be the winner in our category on Saturday 30th November, alongside an evening of celebration with other nurseries in the early years sector. We are keeping our fingers (and toes) crossed!
Harvest Festival Collection Thank you to everyone who donated for our Harvest festival collection, we collected over 250 items for our local food bank! We believe that it is really important for our children to understand the importance of giving to others, especially those who are not as fortunate as ourselves.
November Newsletter NEWS
Staff Recognition Awards 2019 Thank you to all the parents who voted for our annual staff awards, we believe is it extremely important to recognise the hard work and outstanding practice that our amazing team deliver each and every day. For this reason, every year we hold an annual awards celebration where the staff receive special recognition for their hard work. On Tuesday 29th October, we headed to 42 The Calls Hotel where the day was split in to 3 parts; training, awards ceremony and team building. Our training was based on the changes of the Ofsted Inspection handbook and what this meant for us a setting, we evaluated our practice and discussed new ideas which we will be implementing moving forwards. After the awards ceremony, we made our way over to the Cosmopolitan Hotel for our surprise team building activity which was hosted by City Dance Parties! We put on our dancing shoes and learned the dance to one of Michael Jackson’s most famous songs…. Thriller! It was a fabulous afternoon and the staff team had lots of fun! Who do you think the best dancer was?
November Newsletter Hayley Bray Fundraiser, ‘Bear-y Good Fun’ Morning
We had a bear-y good time at our Fundraising event on Saturday 2nd November for Hayley Bray, Sadie’s sister, who suddenly became paralysed whilst working in Ibiza as a Children’s Holiday Rep. We raised an incredible £2,857 and can’t thank everyone enough for your generosity! The children went on a bear hunt and explored the garden looking for clues and the bear! Lots of bear- themed messy play, crafts and activities were enjoyed by all and we even had some special guests… Elsa and Buzz Lightyear came to visit!
If you would still like to donate through our JustGiving page, any support is hugely appreciated - www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/22streetlane-hayleybray We’ve Raised A Grand Total Of: £2,857 They both helped with the bear hunt, and then Elsa sang her iconic song ‘Let it Go’ with the children who all sang along beautifully. We were lucky enough to have a very talented face painter visit us and create some stunning designs, which included butterflies, rainbows and bears! The grand raffle was a huge success, a massive thank you to everyone who donated, and we hope you enjoy your prize(s)!
November Newsletter
And a big thank you to everyone who supported our raffle:
42 The Calls Hotel
Casa Mia
Parties for my Princess
Weetons Food Hall
First Direct Arena
Ox Club
Pout Beauty Salon
Tattu Restaurant
Leeds United Football Club
Banyan Bar & Kitchen
Health Aesthetics
Blackhouse Leeds
Mans Market
Arts Photography
Saks Haircuts
Salvos Restaurant
The Foundry
The Deer Park
November Newsletter NEWS
Diwali To celebrate Diwali, the children explored a wide range of colourful activities! We explored coloured rice, oats and powder paint. We then used the colourful paints to create own ‘henna’ patterns, to do this we drew around our hands and then used scissors to cut them out, we then decorated them with beautiful patterns. We also created some beautiful Diwali lanterns using salt dough, traditionally known as ‘Diya’s’. We explored Indian clothing and danced to traditional music and made our own Indian food such as onion bhajis! We hope that you all had a lovely Diwali!
November Newsletter NEWS
Grandparents Tea Party We hope that the Grandparents enjoyed their stay as much as we did! The children and Grandparents enjoyed an afternoon of playdough, designing their own tea pots, painting and flower arranging followed by freshly baked scones from our Head Chef, Chris... yum!
November Newsletter NEWS Winter Menu As we look to the cooler months ahead, we are delighted to introduce our winter menu which has been devised by our Head Chef, Chris. All of our meals are freshly cooked and packed with nutrition following our healthy eating policy and ethos. We appreciate the parent feedback which was given, and we have incorporated this into the menu where possible, there is something for everyone! www.22streetlanenursery.co.uk/healthy-eating/winter-menu
Children in Need - Friday 15th November On Friday the 15th November we will be supporting Children in Need with a ‘Crazy Hair Day!’ the crazier the hair the better!!! We know that we have some very creative parents, so we look forward to seeing some funky hair styles!
Parents Evening This is will give you an opportunity to speak to your child’s key person about their development and life at nursery. Please note, we can only allocate 10 minutes per family. To make an appointment, please speak to your child’s Key Person. Chicklets, Goslings and Swans Monday 18th November: 6.10pm - 7.30pm Cygnets and Ducklings Monday 25th November: 6.10pm - 7.30pm
November Newsletter NEWS Parent Questionnaire Please can we ask you to take 5 minutes to fill out our parent’s questionnaire form, your feedback is vital so that we can improve our service and continue to deliver the highest quality of care and education for you and your children. All feedback will be evaluated by the management team: 22streetlanenursery.co.uk/parent-feedback-form-autumn-2019 Thank you
World Nursery Rhyme Week 2019 Monday 18 th - Friday 22 nd November During the week of the 18th November we will be celebrating World Nursery Rhyme Week! According to Mem Fox, “If children know 8 nursery rhymes by heart by the time they are 4 years old, they are usually among the best readers and spellers in their class by the time they are 8”. We will be reading, singing and dancing to some classic and new nursery rhymes as well as exploring rhymes using props, pictures and movement. We can’t wait to show you what we get up to so you can continue the rhymes at home too.
November Newsletter NEWS
Country of the Month: AMERICA This month we will be celebrating the United States of America as our Country of the Month! We will be exploring different states of America and celebrating Thanksgiving on Thursday 28th November with a traditional lunch. We will be exploring some Walt Disney classics along with looking at American traditions such as American football, baseball and basketball! If any families have any items to support our Country of the Month, we would be most grateful! Did you know? 100 acres of pizza are served in the United States every day! A recent survey revealed that pizzas have surpassed burgers as the nation's favorite fast food, with the favourite type being the thin-crust, super- cheesy New York style of pizza.
We need your help - Music Wall! We are currently developing a music wall both in our baby garden and big garden. To help us develop this, we are looking for old pots and pans, jugs and kitchen utensils! Any donations would be much appreciated!
November Newsletter The Love of Reading In each room we will be putting a big emphasis on the importance of books and reading to your child. With this in mind, we thought that we would share some top tips with you! 1. Make books part of your family life – Always have books around so that you and your children are ready to read whenever there’s a chance. 2. Join your local library – Get your child a library card. You’ll find the latest videogames, blu-rays and DVDs, plus tons and tons of fantastic books. Allow them to pick their own books, encouraging their own interests. 3. Match their interests – Help them find the right book - it doesn’t matter if it’s fiction, poetry, comic books or non-fiction. 4. All reading is good – Don’t discount non-fiction, comics, graphic novels, magazines and leaflets. Reading is reading and it is all good. 5. Get comfortable! – Snuggle up somewhere warm and cosy with your child, either in bed, on a beanbag or on the sofa, or make sure they have somewhere comfy when reading alone. 6. Ask questions – To keep them interested in the story, ask your child questions as you read such as, ‘What do you think will happen next?’ or ‘Where did we get to last night? Can you remember what had happened already?’ 7. Read whenever you get the chance – Bring along a book or magazine for any time your child has to wait, such as at a doctor’s surgery. 8. Read again and again – Encourage your child to re-read favourite books and poems. Re-reading helps to build up fluency and confidence. 9. Bedtime stories – Regularly read with your child or children at bedtime. It’s a great way to end the day and to spend valuable time with your child. 10. Rhyme and repetition – Books and poems which include rhyme and repetition are great for encouraging your child or children to join in and remember the words.
Twenty-BOO Street Lane have loved celebrating a spook-tacular Halloween!
We’ve taken part in some Halloween themed activities across nursery, along with our annual Pumpkin Competition showcasing some incredible creativity from the children. Lots of the children dressed up in some fang-tastic costumes, doing some dancing at our Halloween Disco to spooky songs such as Thriller! The Goslings children made some delicious pumpkin spiced ‘lattes’ (without the coffee!) and used the remainder of the pumpkin to make a tunnel for their special train service, the ‘Pumpkin Express’! They also made some tasty bat shaped shortbread biscuits to take home, and the children really are star bakers now and know what to do without the staff asking them, well done Goslings. We enjoyed lots of messy play, with goo and slime for some spine-tingling sensory play! Pumpkin decorating was lots of fun, using different coloured paints to cover the pumpkin and scooping out the slimy, soft insides.
November Newsletter
Makaton Sign Language
As part of our team training day, we learned the basic signs of Makaton and how these can support the children in our setting. What is Makaton? Makaton is a language programme using signs and symbols to help people to communicate. It is designed to support spoken language and the signs and symbols are used with speech, in spoken word order. Who is Makaton for? Makaton is the UK's leading language programme for adults and children with learning or communication difficulties. It is also used by everyone who shares their lives, for example, parents and other family members, friends and carers, and education and health professionals. Makaton is used for teaching communication, language and literacy skills with children and adults who are at an early stage of communication and language development. This structured approach can also help people who are learning English as an additional language, helping them to communicate straightaway, whilst also supporting their learning. We will be teaching Makaton to the children at nursery and would like to share a sign with you every month!
Sign of the Month: Yes Bend your wrist downwards while saying “Yes”
November Newsletter
Dish of the Month
Mediterranean Baked Cod
See our past selections on: 22streetlanenursery.co.uk/dish-of-the-month/
• 700g of pounds cod fillet • 1 small red onion OR large shallot chopped • 3 cloves garlic crushed • 12 cherry tomatoes halved • 12 sliced black olives
• 1 tablespoon olive oil • 1 teaspoon Italian seasoning • Salt & pepper to taste • 60ml of water • 4 tablespoons butter chopped
Method 1. Prep: Preheat the oven and lightly grease a baking dish that comfortably holds all your fish pieces. 2. Cut the vegetables: Mince, slice and chop the onion, garlic and cherry tomatoes. 3. Assemble the dish: Place the fish in the prepared baking pan and scatter with the prepared vegetables. Add sliced olives and drizzle with olive oil, then season. Finally, pour some water into the dish and evenly dot the fish with butter. 4. Bake the fish in the hot oven for 15-20 minutes, or until the fish flakes easily
November Newsletter Chicklets Room News The Chicklets have been very busy this month.
We have recently introduced the baby sensory sessions to the Chicklets room this month. Each week we hold a sensory session on a different day for the children. We have had sensory light sessions which the babies have really enjoyed. We also did a large-scale beach/under the sea themed messy play session to link into the baby’s interests from home. The Chicklets held a ‘Grandparent’s Tea Party’ this month. The babies enjoyed showing their Grandparents around the room, showing where they sleep and what they like to play with during the day. We have been on lots of walks to Roundhay Park this month. The babies have enjoyed going in the double buggies to the park and spotting the different animals in the park. We went to visit the swans where we stopped and had some snacks! This month, we have been celebrating our Country of the Month 'India' and the festival 'Diwali'. We set up different messy play activities such as shredded paper, feathers, shaving foam and painting in the colours of the Indian flag. The Chicklets all had the chance to paint their own Diyas which they got to take home with them!
November Newsletter
Ducklings Room News
The Ducklings have been taking part in Diwali celebrations this week and as it is the festival of light we have been joining in with light sensory sessions as well as speaking about lots of different colours. The sensory activities allow children to refine their thresholds for different sensory information helping their brain to create stronger connections to process and respond to sensory information. The Ducklings have also been busy making their own salt dough Diwali candlelight holders, they used their fine motor skills to roll out the ingredients and shape it into a circle, we then watched as our Diya’s baked in the oven! Once they had been baked in the oven the Ducklings used their mark-making skills to creatively paint their own Diyas! Recently over the past few weeks the ducklings have been collecting leaves and Autumn items to go in our Autumn sensory box! Some of the children went on a walk to Roundhay park and we collected acorns, conkers, berries and leaves! We explored the textures and colours of these items and shared them with our friends. The other ducklings explored the nursery gardens also looking and collecting Autumn items for our box! This month the Ducklings also had a visit from their Grandparents! They got involved in so many fun activities including; tea bag sensory play looking at the different colours the tea bag made once it reached water and also using our sense of smell to smell the different flavoured tea!
November Newsletter
Goslings Room News
This month the Goslings have become very interested in bugs and insects! This began when we were playing outside in the garden and some of the children found a spider! The children sat and observed the spider and helped us come up with a new song about spiders. We then counted how many legs the spider had and went inside to make our very own spiders by gluing and sticking some paper legs on to different sized circles. To support this interest, we then set up a bug hunt in the secret garden! We did this by hiding some toy bugs amongst the mud and leaves. We then gave each of the children a magnifying glass to help them with their hunt. Once we had finished looking for bugs, we came back to the Goslings garden and were lucky enough to find a real ladybird! The Goslings were very helpful and went to collect some leaves for the ladybird so that he had somewhere to sleep. The Goslings then had the opportunity to make their very own ladybirds! They did this by using potatoes, sticks and paint! The children picked up the potato from red paint and then printed it on to some paper. They then dipped some sticks in black paint to make its spots. Following on from this we have learnt lots of new songs about bugs, such as ‘hey, ladybug’, ‘bugs n roll’ and ‘firefly lullaby’ where the children wave to the fireflies in the sky. To extend on this further we plan to take to the Goslings on an Autumn walk to Roundhay park to look for more bugs.
November Newsletter
Cygnets Room News
We would like to thank our Grandparents who came for our ‘Grandparent’s Tea Party’ it went very well, and we enjoyed meeting all our children’s Grandparents! The Cygnets have been very busy this month and have thoroughly enjoying learning many new exciting things. The Children have showed and increased interest in Autumn! We went on many Autumnal nature hunts, as we went on walks through the garden and also to Roundhay Park finding many Autumn items including conkers, pinecones, leaves and berries. The children enjoyed using their autumn findings in the creative area to make a range of crafts including self-portraits, hedgehogs, squirrels, pinecone and conker rolling with paint displays and many more. The Cygnets have also enjoyed looking at nocturnal animals this month, exploring many animals including hedgehogs and squirrels. We have also enjoyed spending much time outdoors as we try to spot as many squirrels as we can see in the garden (this was definitely a hit with the children)! The Children have been showing an increasing interest in literacy, so this month we have launched our ‘Adopt a Reading Pet’ project, each child can take in turns to adopt 1 of our 10 pets for a week as they promise to read to it each night. We hope all our families are enjoying adopting their pets.
November Newsletter
Swans Room News
The Swans have been very busy throughout October and have enjoyed learning about lots of exciting things. We started the month by learning all about Autumn, with the children collecting leaves from the garden and then printing them onto different coloured paper to create various effects. We also went on lots of lovely walks to Roundhay Park to collect conkers, pinecones and any autumnal things we could find! The Swans also enjoyed lots of other Autumn crafts and activities including: counting the conkers, making Autumn suncatchers, hedgehog paintings and exploring our Autumn capacity and weight tuff tray. We then began learning all about ‘The Human Body’ with the Swans looking at all their different body parts and organs. The children enjoyed looking at lots of non-fiction books linked to our bones, teeth, digestive system and lungs, with many children also bringing in books about the body which we shared at carpet time! We also used a height chart and tape measure, and all the children took turns to measure one another and place it on the height chart. We then found out who the tallest and shortest members of the Swans class are! The Swans were able to discuss what is in their body, why each body organ is important and what it does. They also showed understanding that everybody is unique and identified similarities and differences between themselves and others. Finally, as always, we have been participating in lots of phonics and maths activities, including threading, practicing writing names, matching objects to numeral cards and many more. The Swans have had a fantastic and very busy month and are looking forward to lots more fun next month!
November Newsletter
*ATTENTION* Important Information - Please Read
Car Park As you are aware, there are double yellow lines outside the nursery which have been put there for the safety of the children. Please can we ask that parents do not park on them, and also be mindful of parking over more than one space in the car park. As you can appreciate, we have very limited parking, and so the car park can become very busy. Drop Off and Collection Can we kindly remind you that we open at 7:30am and cannot accept children into the nursery before this time. We close at 6:00pm and any parents that pick up after this time will be charged. Thank you for your cooperation. High Temperatures & Fevers Please can we remind parents that children cannot attend nursery if they have a high temperature (over 38 ° C). If a child develops a temperature whilst at nursery, parents will be called to collect them, as supported by our policies and procedures. We can administer non- prescribed Calpol for a temperature, although we must first receive permission in writing. HMRC Additional Funding Code (3 & 4 year old - 30 hours) If you are eligible and in receipt of additional 3 & 4 year-old funding, look out for a prompt every three months from HMRC to reconfirm your details so that your eligibility can be re-assessed. If you do not do this, please note that we are unable to claim the funding on your behalf. Absence Please note that we are unable to swap days or offer an alternative day if your child is absent from nursery. We are now extremely busy, and it is impossible for us to do this for all children. This is stated in our terms and conditions. Thank you for your cooperation. Christmas Closure This nursery will close at 12pm on Tuesday 24th December (Christmas Eve) and will re-open on Thursday 2nd January. If your child will NOT be attending on Christmas Eve, please can you notify us so that we can plan staff accordingly.
November Newsletter
*ATTENTION* Important Information - Please Read
Parents Suggestions We continue to welcome all feedback from parents. If you would like to make a suggestion, then please post this in our ‘Parents Suggestion Box’ which is based on reception. Alternatively, you can speak to a member of staff. Labels in Clothing To avoid items being lost, please can you ensure that your child’s uniform is clearly labelled including their coats, hats, scarves and wellies. If your child brings gloves to nursery, we strongly advise for these to be attached and threaded through their coat to avoid any gloves going missing. Contacting the Nursery Please can we kindly ask parents to try and only call the nursery rooms if necessary. It can be very difficult for the staff to keep coming to the phones when they are trying to look after the children and take appropriate breaks. Please note if ever we have a concern, we would always call so please be assured that they are having a good day unless we call you. Thank you for your understanding. Wipes Please note that although we provide nappies as part of our offering, wipes are not included in this. It has been noted that lots of children are coming to nursery without nappy wipes. Can we kindly remind parents to ensure that there is always a supply available for your child. Your child’s key person will remind you when they are running low. Moving forwards, we will be charging £15.00 per month to any parents that fails to bring wipes. Winter Clothing With the cold months ahead, please can you ensure that your child has appropriate clothing labelled with their name to play outside. Children can play out and explore in all weathers, but a warm coat, waterproof trousers, hats, gloves and scarves would be most suitable for Winter. Could we please suggest that your child have 2-piece outdoor waterproofs if they are toilet trained, as it can be tricky for them to get them on and off.
November Newsletter
Upcoming Events Make A Diary Note
Friday 15th November Children In Need Day (Crazy Hair Day) Monday 18th - Friday 22nd November
World Nursery Rhyme Week Monday 18th November Chicklets, Goslings and Swans Parents Evening, 6:15-7:30pm Monday 25th November Ducklings and Cygnets Parents Evening, 6:15-7:30pm Friday 13th December Christmas Jumper Day Thursday 19th December
Swans Christmas Nativity Friday 20th December 22SLN Christmas Party Tuesday 24th December Nursery Closing at 12pm for Christmas
CONTACT US 0333 043 22 22
www.22streetlanenursery.co.uk info@22streetlanenursery.co.uk
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