22 Street Lane Nursery - November 2019 Newsletter
November Newsletter NEWS Parent Questionnaire Please can we ask you to take 5 minutes to fill out our parent’s questionnaire form, your feedback is vital so that we can improve our service and continue to deliver the highest quality of care and education for you and your children. All feedback will be evaluated by the management team: 22streetlanenursery.co.uk/parent-feedback-form-autumn-2019 Thank you
World Nursery Rhyme Week 2019 Monday 18 th - Friday 22 nd November During the week of the 18th November we will be celebrating World Nursery Rhyme Week! According to Mem Fox, “If children know 8 nursery rhymes by heart by the time they are 4 years old, they are usually among the best readers and spellers in their class by the time they are 8”. We will be reading, singing and dancing to some classic and new nursery rhymes as well as exploring rhymes using props, pictures and movement. We can’t wait to show you what we get up to so you can continue the rhymes at home too.
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