22 Street Lane Nursery - November 2021 Newsletter
Newsletter November
Play • Discovery • Growth
November Newsletter
Dear Parents and Carers, Welcome to our November Newsletter! We are delighted to share another month of celebrations here at 22 Street Lane, which was filled with lots of wonderful activities. A special warm welcome to our new families who have recently joined us. Autumn is most definitely a magical time for children and we have been exploring the season in so many ways. We have enjoyed autumnal trips to Roundhay Park, collecting the many natural treasures such as conkers, pinecones and colourful leaves. The children have taken part in lots of different creative activities and we have loved seeing your autumnal home learning activities which you have shared. The children had a spooky time celebrating Halloween, they had the opportunity to explore lots of messy play activities, carve pumpkins and listen to spooky stories! It was lovely to see so many parents attend our messy stay and play session and take part in our pumpkin competition, we hope that you had as much fun as the children. Thank you to everyone that donated so generously to our Harvest Festival collection too, we received a large number of goods that have been donated to North Leeds Food Bank. We have lots of exciting things planned for the children throughout November, to find out more, please read on...
November Newsletter Bonfire Night: Friday 5th November
We must be super careful and cautious around the fire and fireworks! Check out our top tips to ensure your bonfire celebrations are fun and free from danger:
• Children should watch firework displays from a safe distance, well away from any fireworks and bonfires. • The area surrounding the display should be cordoned off, and any children nearby should always be supervised. • If anyone suffers with heart problems, bronchitis or asthma, it might be best to enjoy the display from indoors. • Turn the lights off to best enjoy the magical colours and lights! • Sparklers should not be given to children under 5 years old, and adults should never hold a baby whilst using a sparkler. • Any fires should be lit well away from any wooden, or other flammable material, building, shed or fences where children may be playing. • Sparklers should be kept well away from other people and held at arm’s length. • After use, sparklers should be placed into a bucket of cold water. • Ensure gloves are worn whilst holding a sparkler or stick a carrot into the end of the stick to form a protective grip that is easier for children to hold.
November Newsletter STAFF NEWS Congratulations Laura! A huge congratulations to Laura Grinlaw, our Room Leader in the Goslings Room, who said "Yes" on Saturday 16th October! Everyone from your 22 Street Lane family wishes you all the happiness in the future. ❤
Two Big Announcements! We are delighted to share that Laura Grinlaw (Goslings Room Leader) and Chloe Fisher-Powell (Ducklings Room Leader) are both expecting baby girls in February 2022! We can’t wait to meet them
Our New Winter Menu! As we prepare for the cooler months, we are delighted to present our winter menu. Our menu has been devised by our Head Chef, Chris Milner, and all our meals are cooked freshly on the premises using local produce. We pride ourselves on putting health and nutrition at the heart of our menu using low salt and sugar content.
To take a look, please click the link below: https://www.22streetlanenursery.co.uk/healthy- eating/winter-menu/
November Newsletter NEWS World Mental Health Week - W/C 11th October: All the children celebrated Mental Health Awareness Week during October with lots of sensory play activities that helped us feel more relaxed, happy and engaged. Everyone explored the topic of our emotions and how thing make us feel, we have been asking the children questions about what makes us happy and what makes us sad, and how to properly let others know how we feel.
Fundraiser Support: This month we are fundraising to support Kiren Sirha who has been one or our parents since we opened back in 2016 (Mummy of Nihal and Khivi). Sadly, Kiren’s brother Pali, has been diagnosed with a brain tumour that is currently inoperable. We are fundraising for treatment which is overseas to help Pali as much as possible. Please click on the link below for further information and how to support the family. Any donations would be greatly appreciated. https://www.gofundme.com/f/fight4pali-teampali
‘Around The World In 30 Days’ - Landmarks (November): Throughout November we will be visiting lots of different countries around the world, exploring famous landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower, Great Wall of China, Kremlin, Leaning Tower of Pisa, Pyramid of Giza, Sydney Opera House, Statue of Liberty and the Taj Mahal. If you have visited any of these places or any other landmarks we would love to see your pictures on Tapestry!
November Newsletter NEWS Autumn Parent’s Evening: Our Parent’s Evening this month will again be done via phone calls. We feel that as Covid cases are on the rise, it's the safe and sensible option. This will give you an opportunity to speak to your child’s Key Person about their development and life at nursery. Please note, we can only allocate 10 minutes per family. To make an appointment, please reply to our Tapestry note or please speak to your child’s Key Person as soon as possible. Chicklets, Goslings and Swans - Monday 8th November Cygnets and Ducklings - Monday 15th November
Staff Training Day & Annual Awards: On Tuesday 2 nd November, we held our 5th Annual Staff Awards for the team at 22 Street Lane Nursery during our Training Day at Grantley Hall in Ripon. The aim of the awards is to celebrate, recognise and praise our practitioners and leaders for their energy, professionalism and continued dedication to be outstanding each and every day. We received over 100 votes in total and this feedback from parents was invaluable in helping us choose the winners and recognise their hard work over the past 12 months.
2021 ANNUAL AWARDS: GOLD WINNERS November Newsletter
Room Of The Year
Apprentice Of The Year
Practitioner Of The Year
WINNER Swans Room
WINNER Alexia Caine
WINNER Joanna Sapeta
Deputy Room Leader Of The Year
Room Leader Of The Year
WINNER Lottie Mortin
WINNER Charlotte Baker
Most Inspiring Employee
Best Role Model
Employee Of The Year
WINNER Bec Boxall
WINNER Shoshanna Hall
WINNER Shoshanna Hall
November Newsletter Our Spooky Halloween Party and Celebrations
On Thursday 28th October, 22 Street Lane was transformed into a spooky wonderland for all of the children to have some Halloween fun! The children explored lots of Halloween messy play using cooked spaghetti, rice, jelly baths and surprise-filled pumpkins. The children enjoyed ghostly snacks and finished the day with a ‘spooky’ disco, there was lots of scary dancing!
November Newsletter
Parents Stay and Play Sessions Thank you to all the parents who attended our Halloween Stay and Play sessions, it was so lovely to see so many of you. We hope to plan more sessions in the future now that we are gaining some more normality follow the Covid restrictions.
Pumpkin Decorating Competition We would like to thank everyone who participated in our Pumpkin Competition this year. All the pumpkins were fantastic, and everyone should be very proud of the wacky and wonderful creations that were made! We also handed out special certificates to our favourite pumpkins in each room and having them all placed around the nursery really helped to make it festively spooky this week.
November Newsletter Diwali Activities: Thursday 4 th November
Diwali Is the Indian festival of lights, usually lasting five days and celebrated during the Hindu Lunisolar month Kartika (between mid-October and mid-November). Diwali symbolizes the spiritual "victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance". We will be celebrating Diwali by lighting up the nursery, sampling lots of delicious Indian treats and creating colourful rangoli patterns.
November Newsletter Children in Need: Friday 19 th November
On Friday 19th November we will be supporting Children in Need by inviting the children to come to nursery in their pyjamas! Children in Need make it their mission is to help ensure every child in the UK is safe, happy, secure and has the opportunities they need to reach their potential. They fund over 3,900 local charities and projects which directly support children and young people in communities right across the UK.
November Newsletter The Curiosity Approach at 22 Street Lane
In this technological age, our society contains a multitude of distractions: iPads, computers, television and electronic toys. Together these can create an overabundance of sensory stimulation and a busy, hectic life that fills a child’s brain, overstimulated with that constant noise and endless activity. Do you wonder what the future of our littlest people looks like? We need to enhance their communication and literacy skills and develop their imagination in play through creating an environment of awe and wonder. The Curiosity Approach values time and space, and looks to empower children. Helping them to become the thinkers and doers of the future. Through uncluttered and beautiful environments, it is our aim to create a calm and tranquil environment in which children can be curious to investigate, discover and learn. To allow children time and space to tinker, explore and work at their own pace. Through a child-centred approach, we encourage the power of concentration in young children. We are passionate educators who are looking to empower our children for a successful and happy future through play, exploration and discovery. Setting them up with the skills for life!
Teaching our children through heart and soul is what we must aspire to do. Look closely at their faces, how incredible to witness such pure joy. There’s truly no better reward! “If you don’t love what you do, you won’t do it with much conviction or passion.” ~ Mia Hamm
Continuing our sharing of the A-Z of the Curiosity Approach, we are showcasing Q & R this month:
Questions - We should give consideration to our use of questions. Using open- ended questions can really stretch children’s thinking and curiosity, letting us in to the child’s mind. Open-ended questions require thinking time, so be patient as you await a response. If you can answer “yes” or “no” to a question, it is not open-ended, a favourite of ours is “I wonder…” Reggio to Rudolf Steiner - The Curiosity Approach is a recipe filled with ingredients from the great pioneers of Early Childhood Education, Rudolf Steiner (Austria), Loris Malaguzzi (Reggio Emilia - Italy), & Te Whāriki (New Zealand). These three progressive approaches to Early Childhood set the foundations to The Curiosity Approach.
November Newsletter
Dish of the Month
• 450g/1lb extra lean minced beef (5% fat) • 1 large red onion, finely chopped • 3 tsp finely grated garlic • 1 courgette, cut into 1cm pieces • 1 aubergine, cut into 1cm pieces • 1 red pepper, deseeded and cut into 1cm pieces • 2 tsp ground cumin • 1 tsp sweet smoked paprika • ½ tsp ground cinnamon • 1 tsp hot chilli powder • 400g tin red kidney beans in chilli sauce • 400g tin chopped tomatoes • 4 tbsp tomato purée • 200ml/7fl oz beef stock • 200g/7oz brown basmati rice • Salt and freshly ground black pepper • 4 tbsp fat-free natural yoghurt and chopped fresh coriander, to serve See our past selections on: 22streetlanenursery.co.uk/dish-of-the-month/ Ingredients Healthy Chilli Con Carne
1. Spray a large frying pan with cooking spray. Add the beef and stir-fry over a high heat for 5-6 minutes, or until lightly browned. 2. Add the onion, garlic, courgette, aubergine and red pepper and stir-fry for a further 3-4 minutes. Add the cumin, smoked paprika, cinnamon and chilli powder and stir-fry for 1-2 minutes. 3. Add the kidney beans, tomatoes, tomato purée and stock and season well. Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat to a simmer, cover and cook for 25-30 minutes, stirring occasionally. 4. Uncover, stir, and cook over a medium heat for 10 minutes. 5. Meanwhile, cook the rice according to the packet instructions. 6. Ladle the chilli over the rice in warmed bowls and serve immediately, with a dollop of fat-free yogurt and some chopped coriander.
November Newsletter Chicklets Room News
We have had a very busy month in the Chicklets Room exploring Halloween, Autumn, and our theme for 'Around The World In 30 Days', Seasons. We have been making the most of the Autumn sunshine by taking the babies to Roundhay Park in the buggies. We took one of our Autumn home learning bags to the park and enjoyed looking for different natural resources such as leaves and pinecones. We visited the lake to have our snack and said "hello" to the swans. We have been exploring different types of messy play activities, with one of their favourites being a pumpkin painting activity, where the babies enjoyed using their hands to mark make on the piece of paper. We would like to thank our parents for taking part in the Autumn home learning bag challenge. We had lots of lovely Autumn treasures brought in which we used to create sensory bottle. Home Learning Challenge: We would like to set you a Home Learning Challenge to create your own sensory bottles at home. All you need is a reusable bottle or container. You can add anything to this such as food, e.g. rice or objects such as conkers, pinecones. We would love to see your creations on tapestry! Next month, we will be celebrating Diwali with the children by doing lots of brightly coloured activities and making some lanterns with the children. We will also be celebrating remembrance Sunday by exploring poppies made of rice, the babies will also have an opportunity to make their own poppies too.
November Newsletter
Ducklings Room News
This month the Ducklings have enjoyed exploring lots of authentic and natural materials as we continue to enhance our room with lots of new pots, pans and household objects, as well as a new sofa, creating a second cozy home with great opportunities for intrigue, play and curiosity. The Ducklings have explored lots of activities focusing on our theme of 'Around The World In 30 Days', exploring seasonal tuff trays with many natural items, such as pine cones, autumn leaves, soil, sticks, shells, rocks and bark. We have talked about why the leaves are changing colour and we also had a go at painting different colour leaves with natural mud paint and autumn colours. We even investigated the leaves closely by looking at them under our light box with magnifying glasses. This month we have experienced fun ways to boost our mental health for World Mental Health Week with relaxing sensory trays, which are calming and help us to relax, focus and engage. We have been looking at our new feelings book and making different facial expressions in the mirror. The Ducklings have loved joining in with a group 'Row Row Row the Boat' action activity time with their friends. The Duckings love having Boogie Bear join us for 'Shake, Rattle and Boogie' and are becoming so confident at joining in and collecting and putting away their own instruments and pom-poms. We would like to say thank you to everyone for taking the time to full up our autumn home learning trail bags. We will be using these in our creative activities and talking all about our autumn walks.
November Newsletter Goslings Room News
We have been very busy this month, starting off by exploring our theme for 'Around The World In 30 Days', which is seasons! As Autumn is upon us, we have had the great opportunity to learn more about this wonderful season. The Goslings have been collecting their very own beautiful autumn leaves in our baby garden, and we have used them to decorate nature crowns alongside autumn wreaths, which were a big hit! As it was World Mental Health Week this month, we have also explored the topic of our emotions and how thing make us feel, we have been asking the Goslings questions about what makes us happy, and what makes us sad. Alongside making happy masks, using paper plates, feathers, tissue paper, feather and glue! We have been developing our listening skills and have been following instructions in our weekly ‘Shake, Rattle and Boogie’ sessions. Our current favourite nursery rhyme to sing and dance to is ‘Hop Little Bunnies’. Lastly, as Halloween has just been upon us, we have been enjoying activities that include carving our very own pumpkin! The Goslings really enjoyed this activity as they scooped out the seeds and taking out the carved pieces out of the pumpkin. We also enjoyed a giving our pumpkin a makeover using shaving foam, paint and paint brushes! Home Learning Challenge: As the children have had a keen interest in music and making different sounds, we would like to see if you could make your own musical instrument using recycled materials. Please share your pictures on Tapestry.
November Newsletter Cygnets Room News
This month the Cygnet children have been learning all about Autumn! We have enjoyed finding Autumn treasures in the Big Garden to create our own artwork. This included natural faces, autumn collages and lots more! All activities have been set out to follow the children’s interests, from creating a digger world, to making some fantastic pumpkin pictures! As our 'Around The World In 30 Days' topic this month has been ‘Seasons’, we have been looking at all of the other seasons throughout the year as well as Autumn. The Cygnets have been exploring activities relating to Spring, Autumn, Summer and Winter. The children have really enjoyed identifying different things that can be spotted during each season, including various animals, plants, trees and lots more! Later on in the month, The Cygnets learnt all about fire safety and really enjoyed creating their very own fire engine model using a range of creative materials, including cardboard, paper, tissue paper and paint. We have also been practising our weekly Makaton songs and lined to this theme we learnt the song ‘Five Little Firemen’. This has become one of the Cygnet’s firm favourites! We also had our Halloween Messy Stay and Play session, where we had lots of fun messy play activities available for both the children and their parents to explore and engage in. This was a huge success and we’d like to thank all the parents who attended and we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did! Finally, to celebrate Halloween, the Cygnets had lots of fun taking part in a bunch of different messy play activities.
Swans Room News November Newsletter
The Swans have been very busy throughout October and have enjoyed learning about lots of exciting new things. We began the month by starting our Forest School sessions, we will be taking groups throughout the year to explore the forest, animals and the environment. The children have had so much fun exploring the forest and looking at the different coloured leaves. This month we have spoken to the children about our environment. We spoke about our planet and talked about what we can do to help. One of the things we spoke about was recycling our litter. The children enjoyed activities linked to recycling and enjoyed sorting different items to put into different bins We have also been reading lots of books and have made sure we turn the lights off when we go outside to play. The children have also continued taking part in lots of other fun and exciting activities, with a particular emphasis this month on phonics and maths, as the Swans have been showing lots of interest in these areas. The children have been practising their sounds every two weeks and have been doing so well recognising letters as well as finding items that begin with the sound of the week too. This month we have started Swans Brilliant Bakes! The children have enjoyed exploring lots of different ingredients and creating some very yummy dishes. With each cooking activity the children are encouraged to weigh out their own ingredients using the weighing scales, as well as mixing, rolling and spreading the ingredients.
November Newsletter Upcoming Events Thursday 4 th November Diwali Celebrations Friday 5 th November Bonfire Night Activities Monday 8 th & 15 th November Autumn Parents Evening Thursday 11 th November Remembrance Sunday Activities Friday 19 th November Guru Nanak Gurpurab Celebrations Friday 19 th November Children In Need Day W/C Monday 29 th November Chanukah Celebrations
November Newsletter
*ATTENTION* Important Information - Please Read
Car Park As you are aware, there are double yellow lines outside the nursery which have been put there for the safety of the children. Please can we ask that parents do not park on them, and also be mindful when parking on Park Lane that you do not park over the driveways of the residents there. Many of them are Key Workers who need immediate access from their homes when called out. There have been a few vehicles obstructing their driveways recently. Drop Off and Collection Can we kindly remind you that we open at 7.30 am and close at 6.00 pm and any parents who pick up after this time will be charged. We would just like to also remind you that the side gate to the Goslings, Cygnets and Swans areas will be locked between 9.00 am and 4.00 pm and should you drop off or collect outside of these times, it will be necessary to contact reception to arrange for someone to unlock the gate. High Temperatures and Fevers Please can we kindly remind parents that children cannot attend nursery if they have a high temperature (37.6 ° C). If a child develops a temperature whilst at nursery, parents will be called to collect them, as supported by our policies and procedures. Due to the guidance from National Health England, children who have a high temperature or a cough will be asked to have a Covid-19 test with a negative result required before returning to the setting.
November Newsletter
*ATTENTION* Important Information - Please Read
HMRC Additional Funding Code (3- & 4-year-olds - 30 hours) If you are eligible and in receipt of additional 3- & 4-year-old funding, look out for a prompt every three months from HMRC to reconfirm your details so that your eligibility can be re-assessed. If you do not do this, please note that we are unable to claim the funding on your behalf. Absence Please note that we are unable to swap days or offer an alternative day if your child is absent from nursery. We are now extremely busy, and it is impossible for us to do this for all children. This is stated in our terms and conditions. Thank you for your co- operation. Labels in Clothing To avoid items being lost, please can you ensure that your child’s uniform is clearly labelled including their coats, hats, scarves and wellies. If your child brings gloves to nursery, we strongly advise for these to be attached and threaded through their coat to avoid any gloves going missing.
CONTACT US 0333 043 22 22
www.22streetlanenursery.co.uk info@22streetlanenursery.co.uk
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