22 Street Lane Nursery - November 2024 Newsletter
November Newsletter
Swans Room News
We’ve had so much fun throughout October in Swans! Throughout October we have loved celebrating Halloween. We’ve had a wide range of activities for the children to explore in all areas within the room. In the creative area, we made some pumpkin, witches and bat pictures, as well as drawing a spooky haunted house. Many of the children also enjoyed making witches’ cauldron pictures using bubble paint and pipettes. In the messy area, we loved exploring the inside of a pumpkin using our different senses. This month we have been looking closely at Sweden! We explored the flag through a messy rice tuff tray as well as making the flag from a range of different materials in the creative area. Also, in the creative area, some of the Swans designed their own ‘Dala Horses’.We all enjoy taking part in baking in Swans. So, to celebrate Sweden, we made Rosenmunnar (Swedish thumbprint cookie). The Swans had so much fun weighing out and mixing all the ingredients together. We then added some jam into the middle. The children then took these home to enjoy with their families. In the Swans Room, we have started our Forest School sessions! The first group of children enjoyed exploring the forest and the natural materials around them. To start each session off we read a story relating to what we are going to get up to in the forest that morning. We have made some beautiful pictures from tree bark rubbings, built our own den and made our own stickmen through sticks we found in the forest. We can’t wait to continue forest school throughout the year.
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