22 Street Lane Nursery - October 2019 Newsletter
NEWS October Newsletter
Country of the Month: INDIA (21 st - 25 th October)
This month we will be exploring India as our Country of the Month, if any parents have any resources which we can borrow, we would be most grateful. Thank you! Did you know? India has the 2nd largest population of any country in the world, at about 1.3 billion people. It is expected to pass China and become the most populated country within the next 20 years. Animals found in India include Bengal tigers, elephants, flying foxes, lions and macaques.
Grandparents Tea Party: We will be holding our annual Grandparents Tea Party during October where all the grandparents can come and spend some time in the setting with their grandchild(ren). The tea party will be on the following dates from 3-4pm: Chicklets: Monday 7th October Ducklings: Tuesday 8th October Goslings: Wednesday 9th October Cygnets: Thursday 10th October Swans: Friday 11th October Please RSVP to Alex at: alexandra@22streetlanenursery.co.uk
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