22 Street Lane Nursery - October 2020 Newsletter
October Newsletter NEWS
Halloween Party and Pumpkin Competition: Wednesday 28th October
On Wednesday 28th October, the children are welcome to come to nursery in their dress-up clothes. It doesn’t have to be something scary! We will be having a spooky lunch and lots of messy play. We will also be holding our 22SLN pumpkin decorating/carving competition on Halloween too. All children are welcome to bring in a decorated or carved pumpkin - the wackier the better! We hope to display the pumpkins at the front of the nursery (weather permitting) for the night. As the nursery is closed on Friday for the Staff Training Day, we would ask the children to take them home on Thursday, to enjoy over the weekend.
Country of the Month: Mexico (12-16th October) This month our Country of the Month will be Mexico. During the month, the children will be learning about indigenous animals like pumas, jaguars, huge iguanas and the colourful parrots that are found in the jungles. Piñatas are used in Mexico to celebrate many different occasions, so the children will be involved in making their own piñatas, perhaps even to celebrate Halloween. Chris is also very excited to introduce some Mexican cuisine into our menu during that week. If any of our parents have any resources that they would like to share with us, we would be most grateful. These will have to be cleaned and sanitized when they come into nursery. Thank you! Fun Fact - Mexico has 77 volcanoes. The most active volcanoes in the country are Popocatepetl, Colima and El Chichón.
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