22 Street Lane Nursery - October 2021 Newsletter

October Newsletter Goslings Room News

As we approach the end of our first month of our new Goslings settling in, we have had an exciting time getting to know the children and learning about their interests. It has been amazing to watch the children progress week-by-week, and we can certainly see the benefits of them enjoying their new room. This month has been busy with a wide range of fun activities as the children have been getting to grips with their new surroundings and getting to know their Key People. Throughout the month we have been celebrating 'Nature' as the theme for 'Around The World In 30 Days' where we decided to take a stroll to Roundhay Park in the hope that we would see some wildlife and other parts of nature. We spotted a waterfall on our walk and were very intrigued by the swans and their little goslings who came to see us by the lake. We also incorporated nature into our daily activities that included exploring natural materials. The Goslings really enjoyed their first baking session too, where they made gingerbread man biscuits. They demonstrated their listening and attention skills as they sat around the table and listened to the instructions. They did really well at taking it in turns to pour the ingredients into the bowl, help to mix the ingredients, roll out the dough and then use the cutter to create the biscuit shapes. As part of celebrating Green Week, the staff gathered many recyclable items for the children to explore. We have been painting items such as tins, egg boxes, tissue boxes and bubble wrap to using different sized plastic bottles in the water play to pour and empty. We have also explored a range of herbs where the children had the opportunity to use their senses to smell and touch.


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