22 Street Lane Nursery - October 2021 Newsletter
October Newsletter NEWS Stay and Play Halloween Messy Play Session: W/C Monday 25th October: We’re planning a week of outdoor messy play sessions for each room (subject to Covid restrictions), where parents are invited to come and join in on the fun. This is a lovely chance for you to see a snippet of what we get up to at nursery as well as engaging in some fun messy play with your children.
Group Location
Monday 25 th October Tuesday 26 th October Wednesday 27 th October
10-11am Chicklets Baby Garden/Tipi
10-11am Swans 10-11am Cygnets
Outdoor Classroom
Small Playground/Swan’s Outdoor Classroom
Thursday 28 th October
10-11am Ducklings Baby Garden/Tipi
Friday 29 th October
10-11am Goslings
Baby Garden/Tipi
Our Annual Pumpkin Carving Competition: Thursday 28th October We will be holding our 22SLN pumpkin decorating/carving competition after our Halloween party. All children are welcome to bring in a decorated or carved pumpkin - the wackier the better! You can start bringing them in on Monday 25th, and we hope to be able to display the pumpkins at the front of nursery for all families to see in the evening. However, please make sure you take your pumpkin back home before the end of Friday 29th October, so you can put them out at home and continue celebrating over the weekend!
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