22 Street Lane Nursery - September 2019 Newsletter
September Newsletter Chicklets Room News The Chicklets have been very busy this month!
Our eldest Chicklets have been preparing to move rooms throughout August and have been enjoying visiting the Goslings room every week for a play to get to know their new key person. All of the Chicklets have done really well on their settles and have enjoyed exploring the new environment whilst having access to outdoors all day. We are very sad to see all our lovely Chicklets fly the nest but know they will all do amazingly in the Goslings. We have been busy celebrating different occasions in the Chicklets this month such as Eid, Pirate Week and Carnival. We have been exploring lots of messy play activities such as glueing and sticking to make stars and moons pictures, we have also been painting carnival masks and sticking feathers to these. One of their favourite messy play activities this month has been exploring different coloured play dough and using the different mark making tools. The Chicklets have all shown an interest in the story ‘Dear Zoo’ this month. To support this interest, we have been setting up a large-scale Dear Zoo sensory area for the babies to explore and spot the animals from the book. We have also enjoyed reading the book together as a group and making the different animal sounds with the puppets! We look forward to welcoming our new families throughout September!
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