22 Street Lane Nursery - September 2019 Newsletter
September Newsletter
*ATTENTION* Important Information - Please Read
Leaving Notice Please note that if your child is leaving 22 Street Lane Nursery, we require one month’s written notice unless your child is in the Swans room, where we require six weeks written notice. Thank you. Room Transitions The majority of the children will be moving rooms throughout the summer, to support this, your child’s key person will be organising settling in sessions and share key information with your child’s new key person during their visit. You will be kept informed of your child’s transition via Tapestry, but if you have any questions, please speak to your child’s key person.
Which room is my child moving to?
Chicklets → Goslings/Ducklings Goslings → Cygnets Ducklings → Cygnets Cygnets → Swans
Swans and Cygnets Uniform Children can wear our nursery uniform in our Cygnets and Swans room, this is available from Rawcliffe’s uniform shop, 617 Roundhay Road, Leeds LS8 4AR.
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