22 Street Lane Nursery - September 2019 Newsletter
September Newsletter
Pirate Week The nursery set sail on our Pirate Week and had grrrr-eat fun participating in lots of pirate themed activities! We designed treasure maps, making sure that X marked the spot, then dug for treasure in the sand sensory tray, resulting in finding some golden treasure coins which we counted out! We got creative and made our very own pirate hats and went on a terrific treasure hunt in the big garden…we followed all the clues and found the special golden treasure! We had an arr-mazing week!
Jamaica / Carnival Week We’ve really enjoyed celebrating our Country of the Month, Jamaica, hosting our own 22 Street Lane Carnival! The children have loved exploring the colourful and vibrant costumes used at carnival, and even made some carnival masks using feathers and paint, pairing these with some brilliantly crafted carnival crowns to wear whilst we danced away to some reggae nursery rhymes! The Swan’s children were very creative when making the Jamaican flag using fruit, independently cutting up each fruit that was needed. Mango was used for the yellow, green apples and pear for the green and blueberries for the black colours, we then arranged them carefully into the perfect flag design which was shortly followed by eating the fruit as a snack! The children helped to make an upside-down pineapple cake to take home at the end of the week to finish the celebrations.
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